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Xi'an to Huizhou Trains

At present, only 2 trains from Xi’an to Huizhou are in service.

The distance from Xi’an Railway Station to Huizhou Railway Station is 2,294 kilometers (1,425 miles) in total.

The whole journey takes 26 - 30.5 hours.

The ticket fare of soft sleeper is CNY 640 - 703, of the hard sleeper is CNY 416 - 456 and of the hard seat is CNY 229 - 251.

Xi’an to Huizhou Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train K1310:
1Xining -20:15
2Ledu 21:0421:08
3Haishiwan 21:4721:50
4Lanzhou 23:1823:35
5Longxi 01:4401:48
6Gangu 02:4202:45
7Tianshui 04:0404:10
8Baoji 06:4607:08
9Caijiapo 07:3707:48
10Yangling 08:1708:19
11Xi'an 09:1609:25
12Shangluo 11:1711:21
13Danfeng 11:4911:54
14Xixia 13:3213:42
15Neixiang 14:1214:19
16Zhenping 14:4114:47
17Tanghe [Henan] 16:0716:18
18Xinyang 18:1018:36
19Luoshan 19:0819:11
20Huangchuan 19:5820:04
21Guangshan 20:1920:22
22Xinxian 20:4720:50
23Macheng 21:3121:37
24Huangzhou 22:1722:21
25Qichun 23:0223:05
26Nanchang 01:3001:36
27Jian [Jiangxi] 04:2104:36
28Ganzhou 06:3706:46
29Longchuan [Guangdong] 09:4709:50
30Heyuan 10:4510:48
31Huizhou 11:3911:43
32Dongguan East 12:2712:33
33Shenzhen East 13:17-
Details of the Train K132:
1Lanzhou -13:51
2Dingxi 15:0915:11
3Longxi 16:0416:07
4Tianshui 18:1818:24
5Baoji 20:5921:12
6Xi'an 22:5823:06
7Zhengzhou 06:1906:43
8Kaifeng 07:4107:46
9Lankao 08:1408:19
10Minquan 08:4108:45
11Shangqiu 09:2409:29
12Bozhou 10:4410:47
13Fuyang 11:5412:07
14Funan 12:3712:40
15Huaibin 13:0013:11
16Guangshan 14:0314:06
17Xinxian 14:3114:34
18Macheng 15:1915:28
19Huangzhou 16:0916:14
20Xishui 16:3916:45
21Qichun 17:0717:13
22Wuxue 17:4517:56
23Jiujiang 18:4618:54
24Nanchang 20:1320:33
25Jian [Jiangxi] 22:5222:57
26Ganzhou 00:4900:55
27Huizhou 05:4205:47
28Dongguan East 06:32-
29Shenzhen East 07:5007:50

Other Transportation Options

1. Transfer at Guangzhou South

Xi’an North to Guangzhou South Guangzhou South to Huiyang Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G2239 07:40 – 20:31 G6057 21:03 – 22:21 14h41m CNY 871 + CNY 99.5 = CNY 970.5

2. Xi’an – Huizhou Flight

Now, 2 non-stop flights from Xi’an Xianyang Airport to Huizhou Pingtan Airport is in service. The time of this flight is about 3 hours. According to the different date of departure, the ticket fare of the economy class fluctuates between CNY 600 and CNY 1,800.

Where to go in Huizhou

Luofu Mountain is also known as Dongqiao Mountain. There are 432 large and small mountain peaks in Luofu Mountain, with more than 980 waterfalls and 72 stone caves. This is a great place for relax on holidays, body-building and meeting friends.

2. Dongsheng Fishing Village

Dongsheng Fishing Village in Dongsheng Island is one of the seven hotlines of Guangdong Ecotourism. The fisherman’s wedding custom show is the most attracted. You can also enjoy the wonderful scenery of the Qingquan Temple and Panda Gold Coast.

3. Huizhou West Lake

Comparing to Hangzhou West Lake, you can enjoy something new and different in Huizhou West Lake. The architecture in unique style and ingenious Lake design will bring you visual satisfaction. In summer, it is a good place for cruises when the lotus are in full bloom.

Huizhou to Xi’an Trains

2 trains from Huizhou to Xi’an are in service from Huizhou Railway Station to Xi’an Railway Station, taking 28 - 33.5 hours.

See detailed Xi'an Train Schedule 
Major Rail Lines from Xi'an to:

Major Rail Lines from Huizhou to:
- Last updated on Mar. 18, 2025 by Grace Yang -