Tianjin to Zhangjiakou Train
4 Tianjin to Zhangjiakou trains are in service on a daily basis. A single trip takes about 5-7 hours.
2 trains start from Tianjin West Railway Station, the rest 2 trains start from Tianjin Railway Station. All of the 4 trains arrive at Zhangjiakou Railway Station.
A ride on the soft sleeper costs CNY 71.5-185.5, on the hard sleeper costs CNY 129.5-137.5, and on the hard seat costs CNY 38.5-46.5.
How to get to Beijing West Railway Station from Beijing South Railway Station
From Beijing South Railway Station, passengers can take metro line 4 first, then get off at Caishikou station and transfer to metro line 7 to get to Beijing West Railway Station.
There are direct flights flying from Tianjin Binhai International Airport to Zhangjiakou Airport. A single flight takes at least 5 hours. The ticket price ranges from CNY 500-1000.
4 Zhangjiakou to Tianjin trains run on a daily basis. It takes them about 5-6 hours to travel.
See detailed Tianjin Train Schedule & Zhangjiakou Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Tianjin to:
Major Rail Lines fromho Zhangjiakou to:
2 trains start from Tianjin West Railway Station, the rest 2 trains start from Tianjin Railway Station. All of the 4 trains arrive at Zhangjiakou Railway Station.
A ride on the soft sleeper costs CNY 71.5-185.5, on the hard sleeper costs CNY 129.5-137.5, and on the hard seat costs CNY 38.5-46.5.
Tianjin to Zhangjiakou Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration |
Other Transportation Options from Tianjin to Zhangjiakou
Transfer at Beijing for Trains
Tianjin to Beijing South | Beijing West to Zhangjiakou | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Price Second Class Seat / Hard Sleeper |
C2204 06:43-07:20 | K617 10:24-14:41 | 7h58m | CNY 54.5+CNY 109.5=CNY 164 |
C2004 06:38-07:08 | 8h3m | ||
C2202 06:16-06:53 | 8h25m | ||
C2002 06:05-06:35 | 8h36m |
Tianjin to Beijing South | Beijing West to Zhangjiakou | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Price Second Class Seat / Hard Seat |
C2212 11:13-11:50 | Y533 14:53 -19:50 | 8h37m | CNY 54.5+CNY 28.5=CNY 83 |
C2030 11:08-11:38 | 8h42m | ||
C2028 11:02-11:32 | 8h48m | ||
C2026 10:50-11:20 | 9h | ||
C2562 10:35-11:05 | 9h15m | ||
C2024 10:30-11:00 | 9h20m |
Tianjin West to Beijing South | Beijing West to Zhangjiakou | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Price Second Class Seat / Hard Seat |
C2614 06:31-07:03 | K617 10:24-14:41 | 8h10m | CNY 54.5+CNY 28.5=CNY 83 |
C2624 08:34-09:06 | 6h7m | ||
C2608 05:50-06:30 | K617 10:24-14:41 | 8h51m | |
D718 05:53-07:07 | 8h48m | CNY 30+CNY 28.5=CNY 58.5 | |
G498 11:14-11:52 | Y533 14:53-19:50 | 8h36m | CNY 54.5+CNY 28.5=CNY 83 |

From Beijing South Railway Station, passengers can take metro line 4 first, then get off at Caishikou station and transfer to metro line 7 to get to Beijing West Railway Station.
Tianjin to Zhangjiakou Flights
Zhangjiakou to Tianjin Train:

- Last updated on Jan. 08, 2020 -