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Tianjin to Zhangjiakou Train

4 Tianjin to Zhangjiakou trains are in service on a daily basis. A single trip takes about 5-7 hours.

2 trains start from Tianjin West Railway Station, the rest 2 trains start from Tianjin Railway Station. All of the 4 trains arrive at Zhangjiakou Railway Station.

A ride on the soft sleeper costs CNY 71.5-185.5, on the hard sleeper costs CNY 129.5-137.5, and on the hard seat costs CNY 38.5-46.5.  

Tianjin to Zhangjiakou Train Tickets Booking


Other Transportation Options from Tianjin to Zhangjiakou

Transfer at Beijing for Trains

Tianjin to Beijing South Beijing West to Zhangjiakou Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Sleeper
C2204 06:43-07:20 K617 10:24-14:41 7h58m CNY 54.5+CNY 109.5=CNY 164
C2004 06:38-07:08 8h3m
C2202 06:16-06:53 8h25m
C2002 06:05-06:35 8h36m
Tianjin to Beijing South Beijing West to Zhangjiakou  Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Seat
C2212 11:13-11:50 Y533 14:53 -19:50 8h37m CNY 54.5+CNY 28.5=CNY 83 
C2030 11:08-11:38 8h42m
C2028 11:02-11:32 8h48m
C2026 10:50-11:20 9h
C2562 10:35-11:05 9h15m
C2024 10:30-11:00 9h20m
Tianjin West to Beijing South Beijing West to Zhangjiakou Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Seat
C2614 06:31-07:03 K617 10:24-14:41 8h10m CNY 54.5+CNY 28.5=CNY 83
C2624 08:34-09:06 6h7m
C2608 05:50-06:30 K617 10:24-14:41 8h51m
D718 05:53-07:07 8h48m CNY 30+CNY 28.5=CNY 58.5 
G498 11:14-11:52 Y533 14:53-19:50 8h36m CNY 54.5+CNY 28.5=CNY 83

 How to get to Beijing West Railway Station from Beijing South Railway Station
From Beijing South Railway Station, passengers can take metro line 4 first, then get off at Caishikou station and transfer to metro line 7 to get to Beijing West Railway Station. 

Tianjin to Zhangjiakou Flights

There are direct flights flying from Tianjin Binhai International Airport to Zhangjiakou Airport. A single flight takes at least 5 hours. The ticket price ranges from CNY 500-1000.  

Zhangjiakou to Tianjin Train:

4 Zhangjiakou to Tianjin trains run on a daily basis. It takes them about 5-6 hours to travel. 
See detailed Tianjin Train Schedule & Zhangjiakou Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Tianjin to:

Major Rail Lines fromho Zhangjiakou to:
- Last updated on Jan. 08, 2020 -