Tianjin - Qingdao Train
Every day, there are over 11 pairs of high speed trains running between Tianjin and Qingdao. The general running distance between the 2 cities is about 708 km (440 mi). A one-way journey by high speed trains takes about 3 - 4.5 hours with the minimum fare of CNY 281 for a second class ticket. Besides that, 5 pairs of normal speed trains are operated between the 2 cities as well.
Tianjin - Qingdao High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Tianjin to Qingdao High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1099 | 08:06 - 11:11 | 3h5m |
G1063 | 10:05 - 14:19 | 4h14m |
G271 | 13:45 - 17:31 | 3h46m |
G1267 | 15:45 - 19:07 | 3h22m |
G1247 | 17:33 - 21:45 | 4h12m |
See more Tianjin Schedule
Qingdao to Tianjin Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1064 | 07:03 - 10:18 | 3h15m |
G272 | 09:39 - 13:25 | 3h46m |
G1072 | 12:26 - 16:33 | 4h7m |
G1076 | 16:04 - 20:25 | 4h21m |
G1100 | 18:05 - 21:15 | 3h10m |
See more Qingdao Schedule
Note: The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on page top.
Tianjin - Qingdao High Speed Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 878 - 1,023 USD 121 - 141 | CNY 462 - 507.5 USD 63 - 70 | CNY 281 - 317 USD 39 - 44 |
Normal Speed Train of Tianjin - Qingdao
Basic Facts:

Tianjin to Qingdao Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1053 | 05:19 - 16:13 | 10h54m |
K701 | 05:25 - 14:45 | 9h20m |
K955 | 05:37 - 15:21 | 9h44m |
K969 | 06:41 - 15:59 | 9h18m |
K4575 | 18:08 - 04:43+ | 10h35m |
Qingdao to Tianjin Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K956 | 17:45 - 03:05+ | 9h20m |
K702 | 18:09 - 03:18+ | 9h9m |
K1054 | 19:40 - 04:33+ | 8h53m |
K970 | 19:50 - 05:19+ | 9h29m |
K4576 | 21:19 - 07:50+ | 10h31m |
Tianjin - Qingdao Normal Train Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 275 USD 38 | CNY 182 USD 25 | CNY 98 USD 13 |
A New High Speed Railway Connecting Tianjin and Qingdao

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- Last updated on Jan. 20, 2025 by Grace Yang -