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Shanghai to Zhangjiakou Train

From Shanghai South Railway Station to Zhangjiakou Railway Station, 1 train is in service. The Shanghai to Zhangjiakou train needs about 18.5 hours to complete the journey which is 1,639 kilometers (1,018 miles) in length. The ticket price for a hard sleeper is CNY 373 and for a soft sleeper is CNY 560.

Now, Beijing - Zhangjiakou High Speed Railway Line start to operate high speed trains which can reach the speed of 300 km/h (186 mph), directly shortening the travel time between Beijing and Zhangjiakou from 3.5 to 4.5 hours to about 1 hour. So passengers also can take Shanghai to Beijing and Beijing to Zhangjiakou high speed trains to travel from Shanghai to Zhangjiakou.

Shanghai to Zhangjiakou Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train Z282:
1Hangzhou -16:55
2Haining 17:3017:34
3Jiaxing 17:5017:54
4Suzhou [Jiangsu] 20:4320:47
5Changzhou 21:2721:30
6Zhenjiang 22:0422:07
7Nanjing 22:4422:51
8Bengbu 00:2400:29
9Xuzhou 01:4801:57
10Yanzhou 03:2703:30
11Dezhou 05:5505:59
12Botou 06:3606:38
13Tianjin West 08:3908:41
14Guangyang 09:1309:16
15BeijingFengtai 09:5210:17
16Zhangjiakou 13:2913:35
17Datong 16:1316:23
18Jining [Inner Mongolia] South 17:5518:01
19Hohhot East 19:1019:30
20Hohhot 19:4219:49
21Baotou East 21:0221:19
22Baotou 21:36-

Other Transportation Options

Option 1: Transfer in Beijing

If you want to transfer in Beijing, you can save at least 7 hours. The overall travel time is 9 to 11 hours and the ticket price for a second class seat and a hard seat is CNY 581.5 and for a second class seat and a hard sleeper is CNY 669.5 or CNY 672.5.
Shanghai Hongqiao to Beijing South Beijing West to Zhangjiakou South Overall Travel Time Train Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Hard Sleeper or Hard Seat
G104: 06:38 - 12:33 Y533: 14:53 - 19:50 11h2m CNY 553 + CNY 28.5 = CNY 581.5
G108: 07:22 - 13:23 1133: 15:30 - 19:08 9h39m CNY 553 + CNY 116.5 = CNY 669.5
G132: 12:17 - 18:32 K573: 20:35 - 23:50 9h30m CNY 553 + CNY 119.5 = CNY 672.5
G138: 13:29 - 19:28 K597: 21:28 - 00:35+1 9h9m
G142: 14:10 - 20:18 K89: 22:17 - 01:26+1 9h17m
1.    The information is for reference only, please check real-time schedule by the search box on page top.
2.    “+1” means that the train will reach the arrival station on the second day.

When you get out of the south railway station, you can take city bus Special Line 14 to get to the west railway station directly. The duration is about 50 minutes.

Option 2: Shanghai to Zhangjiakou Flight

2 flights scheduled at 07:00 and 07:05 are available from Shanghai to Zhangjiakou, taking about 2.5 hours. The airfare is from CNY 650 to CNY 970.

The Must-see Attraction in Zhangjiakou: Nuanquan Ancient Town

Nuanquan Ancient Town is famous for Nuanquan which is hot spring in English. Tourists can enjoy the hot spring all year around when they come to the town. Like other ancient towns in China, Nuanquan Ancient Town also own its own folk arts. The most famous one is Sparkling Molten Metal which is performed twice a day during January 2nd - 6th and January 13th - 16th. The performers throw the liquid metal into the air or directly against the wall to create the spectacular scene of millions of sparkles in the air. So don’t miss it when you go to Nuanquan Ancient Town.

Zhangjiakou to Shanghai Train

1 Zhangjiakou to Shanghai train is available, taking about 18.5 hours.

See detailed Shanghai Train Schedule & Zhangjiakou Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Shanghai to:
Major Rail Lines from Zhangjiakou to:
- Last updated on Jan. 14, 2020 -