Tianjin to Nanchang Trains
At present, 1 Tianjin to Nanchang high speed train is serving. From Tianjin South Railway Station to Nanchang West Railway Station, the train totally runs 1,587 kilometer (986 miles). The whole journey takes 8h17m to the terminal station. The business class seat of this Tianjin to Nanchang train costs CNY 2,200, the first class seat costs CNY 1,173.5 and the second class seats costs CNY 696.5.
8 normal speed trains from Tianjin to Nanchang is in service. Running from Tianjin Railway Station, it arrives at Nanchang Railway Station or Nanchang West Railway Station after 13 - 21 hours. These Tianjin to Nanchang trains run 1, 668 kilometers (1,036 miles) in total. The ticket of the soft sleeper is CNY 484.5-521.5, of the hard sleeper is CNY 317.5-349.5 and of the hard seat is CNY 173.5-177.5.
Tianjin – Nanjing High Speed Railway Line: as a section of Beijing – Shanghai High Speed Railway Line, this line is as long as 918 kilometers (570 miles), connecting railway stations including Cangzhou, Jinan, Xuzhou and Suzhou.
Nanjing – Hangzhou High Speed Railway Line: with the total travel distance of 256 kilometers (159 miles), this railway line mainly connects Jiangning, Lishui, Yixing, Huzhou and Deqing together.
Hangzhou – Nanchang High Speed Railway Line: this railway line constitutes a part of Shanghai-Kunming High speed Railway Line and is 582 kilometers (362 miles) long in total. This line connects Yiwu, Jinhua, Shangrao and Fuzhou successively.
Prince Teng pavilion is one of the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River. It was regard as a lucky building in ancient times. At the same time, Prince Teng pavilion is also a place where ancient books of history are stored. In a sense, it is an ancient library. You can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery when you ascend to the top, but also feel the charm of Chinese history here.
Founded in 1959, Eight Shanren Memorial is the first ancient painter memorial hall in China. Located in the historical and scenic Qingyun Pu, hundreds of years of ancient camphor trees and podocarpus cover the building with white walls and red columns. The whole courtyard is extraordinarily quiet which can bring peace in your heart. Outside the courtyard, the lazy streams, a crisscross of farmland and the curling smoke from the farmhouse make here like a fairyland. While enjoying the natural scenery, visitors can also enjoy the paintings in the memorial.
1 Nanchang to Tianjin high speed train is optional. Running from Nanchang West Railway Station, this Nanchang to Tianjin train takes almost 9 hours to Tianjin South Railway Station. This railway line is as long as 1,739 kilometers (1,081 miles).
8 normal speed trains from Nanchang to Tianjin are in service now. The whole journey from Nanchang or Nanchang West Railway Station to Tianjin Railway Station takes 12.5 - 23 hours and the total distance is 1,499 kilometers (931 miles).
See detailed Tianjin Train Schedule & Nanchang Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Tianjin to:
Major Rail Lines from Nanchang to:
8 normal speed trains from Tianjin to Nanchang is in service. Running from Tianjin Railway Station, it arrives at Nanchang Railway Station or Nanchang West Railway Station after 13 - 21 hours. These Tianjin to Nanchang trains run 1, 668 kilometers (1,036 miles) in total. The ticket of the soft sleeper is CNY 484.5-521.5, of the hard sleeper is CNY 317.5-349.5 and of the hard seat is CNY 173.5-177.5.
Tianjin to Nanchang Trains Ticket Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z102 Details of the Train Z102:
13H0M | 01:05 Tianjin | 14:05 Nanchang | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z384 Details of the Train Z384:
13H36M | 02:56 Tianjin | 16:32 Nanchang | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z188 Details of the Train Z188:
14H0M | 03:09 Tianjin | 17:09 Nanchang | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G169 Details of the Train G169:
8H42M | 10:14 Tianjin South | 18:56 Nanchang West | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K976 Details of the Train K976:
21H31M | 13:04 Tianjin | 10:35+1 Nanchang | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z398 Details of the Train Z398:
13H58M | 20:00 Tianjin | 09:58+1 Nanchang | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K1622 Details of the Train K1622:
18H41M | 22:16 Tianjin | 16:57+1 Nanchang |
Running Route of Tianjin to Nanchang High Speed Train
Nanjing – Hangzhou High Speed Railway Line: with the total travel distance of 256 kilometers (159 miles), this railway line mainly connects Jiangning, Lishui, Yixing, Huzhou and Deqing together.
Hangzhou – Nanchang High Speed Railway Line: this railway line constitutes a part of Shanghai-Kunming High speed Railway Line and is 582 kilometers (362 miles) long in total. This line connects Yiwu, Jinhua, Shangrao and Fuzhou successively.
Where to go in Nanchang
2. Badashanren Memorial Hall
Nanchang to Tianjin Trains
8 normal speed trains from Nanchang to Tianjin are in service now. The whole journey from Nanchang or Nanchang West Railway Station to Tianjin Railway Station takes 12.5 - 23 hours and the total distance is 1,499 kilometers (931 miles).

- Last updated on Jun. 24, 2020 -