Shenzhen - Nanchang Train
Between Shenzhen and Nanchang, there are nearly 46 pairs of trains. 36 pairs of them are high speed trains taking 3.5 - 10 hours; a second class seat costs CNY 184 - 497.5. The rest normal speed ones, including overnight sleeper trains run with travel time of 10 - 12.5 hours; a hard sleeper costs CNY221 - 269. The high speed ones are preferred by businessmen and passengers who want to save time while the normal speed ones are recommended to budget travelers.
Open Date: September 16, 2014
Duration: about 3.5 - 10 hours
Departure/ Arrival Stations: Shenzhen/ Shenzhen North Railway Station and Nanchang West Railway Station
Running Distance: 1,151 / 1,202 kilometers (715/ 747 miles)
Top Speed: 300km/h (186 mph)
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Around 36 departures in total: departure time from 06:20 to 19:14; duration from 3H30M to 9H54M.
See more Shenzhen schedule(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Around 36 departures in total: departure time from 07:20 to 19:27; duration from 3H30M to 9H36M.
See more Nanchang schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
G trains: Humen, Guangzhou South, Qingyuan, Leiyang West, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Liling East, Pingxiang North, Yichun, Xinyu North, Gaoan
D2362/ 2361: Huiyang, Houmen, Shanwei, Chaoyang, Chaoshan, Zhao'an, Yunxiao, Zhangzhou, Xiamen North, Quanzhou, Xianyou, Putian, Sanming North, Taining, Jianningxian North, Fuzhou [Jiangxi]
D2324/ 2323: Shanwei, Kuitan, Chaoshan, Raoping, Zhao'an, Yunxiao, Zhangpu, Longyan, Zhangping West, Shuangyang, Yong'an South, Sanming, Sanming North, Jiangle, Taining, Jianningxian North, Nanfeng, Nancheng, Fuzhou [Jiangxi]
Duration: 10 - 12.5 hours
Running Distance: 915/ 923/ 928 kilometers (569/ 574/ 577 miles)
Main stations along the way: Dongguan East, Huizhou, Heyuan, Longchuan, Guanzhou, Jian
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
When booking the ticket, please note that the normal trains use different railway stations in Shenzhen. Shenzhen Railway Station and Shenzhen East Railway Station are used. On the premise that the schedule of all stations fit your travel time, choose those close to your staying places.
About the schedule, those normal speed overnight sleeper trains departing in the evening and arriving in next morning are recommended for budget travelers, as they save one-night accommodation fee and one day for sightseeing.
Only 1 pair of direct flights are flying between everyday with journey time of about 2 hours. The ticket is usually available at 30% off discount, around CNY 900.
Major Rail Lines from Shenzhen to:
Major Rail Lines from Nanchang to:
Shenzhen - Nanchang High Speed Train
Basic Facts:
Duration: about 3.5 - 10 hours
Departure/ Arrival Stations: Shenzhen/ Shenzhen North Railway Station and Nanchang West Railway Station
Running Distance: 1,151 / 1,202 kilometers (715/ 747 miles)
Top Speed: 300km/h (186 mph)
Shenzhen to Nanchang High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2722 | 07:25 - 11:42 | 4h17m |
G1666 | 10:05 - 14:21 | 4h16m |
D2362 | 12:08 - 20:24 | 8h16m |
G2706 | 16:02 - 20:36 | 4h34m |
G2770 | 19:14 - 23:00 | 3h46m |
See more Shenzhen schedule
Nanchang to Shenzhen Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2723 | 07:40 - 11:59 | 4h19m |
G2771 | 10:08 - 14:17 | 4h9m |
G2735 | 12:01 - 16:19 | 4h18m |
G2693 | 16:11 - 20:35 | 4h24m |
G697 | 19:27 - 22:58 | 3h31m |
See more Nanchang schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
Ticket Fare of Shenzhen – Nanchang High Speed Train
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | |
G trains | CNY 1,354 - 1,602 USD 187 - 221 | CNY 658 - 781 USD 91 - 108 | CNY 412 - 497.5 USD 57 - 69 |
D trains | --- | CNY 606 - 719 USD 84 - 99 | CNY 184 - 449 USD 25 - 62 |
G trains: Humen, Guangzhou South, Qingyuan, Leiyang West, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Liling East, Pingxiang North, Yichun, Xinyu North, Gaoan
D2362/ 2361: Huiyang, Houmen, Shanwei, Chaoyang, Chaoshan, Zhao'an, Yunxiao, Zhangzhou, Xiamen North, Quanzhou, Xianyou, Putian, Sanming North, Taining, Jianningxian North, Fuzhou [Jiangxi]
D2324/ 2323: Shanwei, Kuitan, Chaoshan, Raoping, Zhao'an, Yunxiao, Zhangpu, Longyan, Zhangping West, Shuangyang, Yong'an South, Sanming, Sanming North, Jiangle, Taining, Jianningxian North, Nanfeng, Nancheng, Fuzhou [Jiangxi]
Shenzhen - Nanchang Normal Train
Basic Facts:
Running Distance: 915/ 923/ 928 kilometers (569/ 574/ 577 miles)
Main stations along the way: Dongguan East, Huizhou, Heyuan, Longchuan, Guanzhou, Jian
Shenzhen to Nanchang Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
T398 | 07:21 - 17:48 | 10h27m |
K1620 | 08:00 - 20:11 | 12h11m |
Z182 | 09:46 - 19:36 | 9h50m |
K134 | 10:29 - 22:29 | 12h00m |
K106 | 11:10 - 21:54 | 10h44m |
K34 | 12:17 - 23:36 | 11h19m |
K1282 | 15:02 - 02:16+ | 11h14m |
K1020 | 18:55 - 06:26+ | 11h31m |
K642 | 19:24 - 06:00+ | 10h36m |
Z186 | 20:05 - 06:12+ | 10h7m |
Nanchang to Shenzhen Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1281 | 01:29 - 13:12 | 11h43m |
K1311 | 01:36 - 13:17 | 11h41m |
K641 | 07:33 - 18:26 | 10h53m |
T397 | 10:55 - 21:07 | 10h12m |
K105 | 16:27 - 04:36+ | 12h9m |
K1019 | 17:14 - 05:28+ | 12h14m |
K1619 | 17:24 - 05:48+ | 12h24m |
Z185 | 17:37 - 04:52+ | 11h15m |
Z181 | 17:44 - 05:12+ | 11h28m |
K133 | 20:33 - 07:50+ | 11h17m |
Ticket Fare:
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 337 - 405 USD 47 - 56 | CNY 221 - 269 USD 31 - 37 | CNY 119 - 149 USD 16 - 21 |
When booking the ticket, please note that the normal trains use different railway stations in Shenzhen. Shenzhen Railway Station and Shenzhen East Railway Station are used. On the premise that the schedule of all stations fit your travel time, choose those close to your staying places.
About the schedule, those normal speed overnight sleeper trains departing in the evening and arriving in next morning are recommended for budget travelers, as they save one-night accommodation fee and one day for sightseeing.
Other Transportation Option: Shenzhen - Nanchang Flight

- Last updated on Dec. 11, 2024 by Grace Yang -