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Tianjin to Guiyang Trains

1 Tianjin to Guiyang train is available now.

From Tianjin Railway Station, the train takes 40 hours to Guiyang Railway Station.

The total running distance is 2,708 kilometers (1,683 miles).

The ticket fare of the soft sleeper is CNY 796.5, of the hard sleeper is CNY 516.5 and of the hard seat is CNY 285.5.

Tianjin to Guiyang Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train Z328:
1Changchun -09:48
2Siping 10:5610:59
3Tieling 11:5311:56
4Shenyang North 12:4212:50
5Shanhaiguan 16:3316:39
6Qinhuangdao 16:5416:59
7Tangshan [Hebei] 18:2718:32
8Tianjin 19:4619:53
9Baoding 22:0222:05
10Shijiazhuang 23:2123:27
11Handan 00:4400:49
12Zhengzhou 03:0003:26
13Nanyang 08:0408:09
14Xiangyang 09:5010:15
15Shimenxian North 14:0714:13
16Zhangjiajie 16:1816:26
17Jishou 18:1718:23
18Huaihua 19:5920:24
19Guiyang 02:5103:03
20Liupanshui 06:3306:42
21Xuanwei 08:1008:16
22Qujing 09:0009:05
23Kunming 10:23-

Another Transportation Option

1. Transfer at Changsha South for more options

Tianjin to Changsha South Changsha South to Guiyang North Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G292 10:58 -18:56 G1331 19:35 - 22:47 11h49m CNY 666.5 + CNY 314.5 = CNY 981

2. Transfer at Zhengzhou East for more options

Tianjin to Zhengzhou East Zhengzhou East to Guiyang North Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G1704 09:02 - 13:09 G401 15:05 - 22:30 13h28m CNY317.5 + CNY 708.5 = CNY 1026

Where to go in Guiyang

1. Mount Qianling

Mount Qiling is famous for its dense forests and clear lakes. It has been a famous tourist and pilgrimage site in Guiyang since ancient times. Qianling Hill Park is constructed based on it which has integrated natural scenery, cultural relics, folk customs and entertainment together. The whole park is composed of six large scenic areas, such as Hongfu Temple, Qianling Lake and Sanling Bay. Each scenic spot has its own unique charm. There are also many kinds of trees in the park. Since ancient times, it has been a bright pearl in the Guizhou Plateau. At the same time, the winter here is not cold, and summer is not hot, so it is very comfortable in any seasons.
 Flower Stream Park covers an area of more than 800 acres. The main attractions in this park include Music Square, Baibu Bridge, Mount Lin, Mount Gui, Peony Garden, Chess Pavilion, Golden Avenue and so on. Huaxi Park integrates the mountain, the water, the pastoral scenery and ethnic customs together. The biggest feature of Huaxi Park is its natural beauty. The mountains are very small and low; the stream is pure and clear; the flowers and trees are lush and green, and the show is beautiful; the bridges and pavilions have their own characteristics. All these attract millions of tourists here.

3. Xiao Che River City Wetland Park

Xiao Che River City Wetland Park has high forest coverage and obvious biodiversity advantages. There are more than 400 species of plants and more than 200 species of animals. In the park, mountains, water, caves, forests and springs are all available, and it has the only cave landscape – White Dragon Cave in the central city. Surrounded by mountains and waters, Xiao Che River City Wetland Park is a wonderful place for tourists.

Guiyang to Tianjin Trains

2 Guiyang to Tianjin trains are running every day. The running distance is 2,708 kilometers (1,683 miles) and the running time is 38 - 41 hours.

See detailed Tianjin Train Schedule & Guiyang Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Tianjin to:

Major Rail Lines from Guiyang to:
- Last updated on Jun. 10, 2020 -