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Suzhou to Urumqi Train

2 Suzhou to Urumqi normal speed trains are running from Suzhou Railway Station to Urumqi Railway Station.

The duration is 38.5 - 43.5 hours and the distance is as long as 3,972 kilometers (2,468 miles).

The ticket price is CNY 680.5 for a hard sleeper, CNY 1,053.5 for a soft sleeper and CNY 376.5 for a hard seat.


Suzhou to Urumqi Train Ticket Booking

Details of the Train Z40:
1Shanghai -16:17
2Suzhou [Jiangsu] 17:0917:12
3Wuxi [Jiangsu] 17:3517:39
4Changzhou 18:0118:04
5Nanjing 19:1319:19
6Bengbu 20:5421:00
7Xuzhou 22:4822:54
8Shangqiu 00:1500:17
9Kaifeng 01:2201:24
10Zhengzhou 02:0302:11
11Luoyang 03:4003:45
12Xi'an 08:3308:43
13Baoji 10:1910:25
14Tianshui 12:0112:07
15Lanzhou 15:5016:05
16Wuwei 19:0919:15
17Zhangye 21:2721:31
18Jiayuguan 23:2823:36
19Kumul 05:0805:20
20Turpan North 08:0108:03
21Urumqi 09:38-
Suzhou [Jiangsu]
Details of the Train Z304:
1Shanghai -21:00
2Suzhou [Jiangsu] 21:4921:53
3Wuxi [Jiangsu] 22:1722:20
4Nanjing 23:4423:50
5Bengbu 01:2301:50
6Xuzhou 03:0903:17
7Shangqiu 04:5104:55
8Zhengzhou 06:3706:43
9Luoyang 08:0808:13
10Xi'an 12:4813:03
11Baoji 14:3614:46
12Tianshui 16:1716:24
13Lanzhou 20:0120:30
14Wuwei 23:3223:38
15Jinchang 00:1200:14
16Zhangye 01:5201:56
17Jiayuguan 03:5103:59
18Liuyuan 06:4206:48
19Kumul 09:4109:55
20Shanshan North 12:1012:14
21Turpan North 12:5712:59
22Urumqi 14:24-
Suzhou [Jiangsu]

Running Route of Suzhou to Urumqi Train

Suzhou to Xuzhou Railway Line: This line is a section of Beijing – Shanghai Railway, with the total distance of 565 kilometers (351 miles), stopping at stations like Changzhou, Danyang, Zhenjiang, Nanjing and Bengbu.

Xuzhou to Lanzhou Railway Line: This line runs along the Xuzhou – Lanzhou Railway, Stretching 1,536 kilometers (954 miles) and covering several major stations including Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Tianshui and Lanzhou.

Lanzhou to Urumqi Railway Line: Constituting a part of Lanzhou – Xinjiang Railway, this one is 1,871 kilometers (1,163 miles) in total, linking most northwest places in China, including Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiayuguan, Kumul and Turpan.

Suzhou to Urumqi Flight

Because there is no airport in Suzhou City, you can take the flight to your destination at the nearest airport to Suzhou, Wuxi Shuofang Airport. And 1 available Wuxi to Urumqi flight is there, departing from Wuxi Shuofang to Urumqi Diwobao International Airport costing about CNY 1000 - 2000.

Transferring at Xi’an Railway Station

Suzhou – Xi’an Xi’an - Urumqi  Overall Duration Ticket Price (CNY)
Hard Sleeper
Z86: 19 :18 – 09 : 16 Z105: 11 : 01 – 12 : 00 40H42M 317.5 + 496.5 = 814
Z92: 18 : 58 – 09 : 29 Z105: 11 : 01 – 12 : 00 41H2M
Z252: 16 : 43 – 07 : 57 Z231: 09 : 38 – 10 : 03 41H20M
T116: 16 : 35 – 08 : 12 Z231: 09 : 38 – 10 : 03 41H28M 

Where to go in Urumqi

South Hill Pasture is located in Gangou, 45 kilometers (27.96 miles) away from Urumqi City. Its picturesque scenery in summer and crystal white in winter make it a favorite holiday destination for urban people to relax. Visitors here have the chance to see Kazak herdsmen riding on horses, wildflowers blooming on the mountains, the largest waterfall among Tianshan Mountains, as well as myriad yurts, villas, and schools scattered on the grassland, and experience the local customs and practices.
 Locating in Fukang City, the elevation of Tianchi Lake is 1,910 meters (1,187 miles), with a maximum depth of 103 meters (338 feet). It is a natural scenic spot characterized with mountain lakes, snow-capped mountains and the unique ethnic customs, it has become an ideal place for sightseeing, science investigation, adventure and leisure sports.

Urumqi to Suhzou Train

2 Urumqi to Suhzou normal speed trains are in service. Passengers need to spend 39.5 – 45h and pay CNY 680.5 for a hard sleeper.

See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Urumqi Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:

Major Rail Lines from Urumqi to:
- Last updated on May. 18, 2020 -