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Suzhou to Guilin Train

Up to now, Suzhou Railway Station serves only 1 train to Guilin North Railway Station. The Suzhou to Guilin train needs about 23.5 hours to complete the travel distance of 1,646 kilometers (1,023 miles). The train ticket price for a soft sleeper is CNY 560 and for a hard sleeper is CNY 351.

What’s more, one can choose to transfer at Changsha South Railway Station for more options. The total travel time is about 10 to 11 hours and the lowest cost is CNY 647.


Suzhou to Guilin Train Tickets Booking


Other Transportation Options

Transfer at Changsha South Railway Station

Suzhou to Changsha South Changsha South to Guilin Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G1772 07:12 - 12:50 G423 13:52 - 17:06 9h54m CNY 465.5 + CNY 179.5 = CNY 645
G576 08:50 - 15:27 G421 16:17 - 19:38 8h48m 

Suzhou to Hangzhou Train + Hangzhou to Guilin Flight

 Suzhou to Hangzhou Train
Over 30 high speed trains are running from Suzhou Railway Station to Hangzhou East Railway Station. The travel time is 1.5 to 2 hours and a second class seat costs CNY 110 or CNY 111.5.

 Hangzhou to Guilin Flight
5 flights scheduled from 06:45 to 12:45 are in service from Hangzhou to Guilin. The travel time is about 2.5 hours and the air fare is from CNY 380 to CNY 490.

 How to Travel from Hangzhou East Railway Station to Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport
From Hangzhou East Railway Station, tourists can take the airport bus to get to Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport directly, taking about 40 minutes. The bus departs every 30 minutes from 05:30 to 09:00 and every 15 minutes from 09:00 to 23:00 and the ticket costs CNY 20 per person.

How to Get to Suzhou Railway Station

One can take city bus 178 to arrive at the railway station directly, taking only about 30 minutes. Tourists can also choose to get there by taxi, taking about 20 minutes with the fare of around CNY 30.
 Passengers need to take city bus 85 to get to the railway station. The direct taxi ride takes around 10 minutes and the fare is about CNY 20.
 Tourists can take city bus 725 to the stop Tongli Stop Line 4 and then take metro line 4 to get to Suzhou Railway Station. If taking a taxi, the ride may take 40 minutes and the fare is around CNY 50.
 Passengers can take direct city bus 819 to get to the railway station. Or choose to take a taxi to arrive at the station, taking about 10 minutes and costing around CNY 15.

Guilin to Suzhou

1 Guilin to Suzhou train runs from Guilin North Railway Station to Suzhou Railway Station, taking about 25 hours.

See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Guilin Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:

Major Rail Lines from Guilin to:
- Last updated on Jul. 31, 2019 -