Shenzhen to Urumqi Train
Only 1 Shenzhen to Urumqi train is in service from Shenzhen Railway Station to Urumqi Railway Station, requiring the travel time of about 48.5 hours to complete the journey which is 4,666 kilometers (2,899 miles). The ticket price of a hard sleeper is CNY 779.5 and of a hard seat is CNY 433.5.
If possible, one can take Shenzhen to Guangzhou high speed train first and then take Guangzhou to Urumqi flight to get to Urumqi. The overall travel time is about 6.5 hours and passengers can save much time if they choose to do so. The total cost is about CNY 1,360 to CNY 2,260.
Travel Time: Around 48.5 hours
Travel Distance: 4,666 kilometers (2,899 miles)
Operated at: Shenzhen Railway Station, Urumqi Railway Station
Major Railway Stations along the Way: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shaoguan East, Chenzhou, Hengyang, Changsha, Yueyang, Wuhan, Xiangyang East, Nanyang, Xi’an, Tianshui, Lanzhou, Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiayuguan, Liuyuan, Kumul, Turpan North and Urumqi.
Around 110 high speed trains are shuttling from Shenzhen North Railway Station to Guangzhou South Railway Station, taking the travel time of about half an hour. And the ticket price for a second class seat is CNY 47.
There are 6 flights scheduled from 01:10 to 19:15 are in service from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to Urumqi Diwobao International Airport. The travel time is about 5 hours and the airfare is from CNY 1,300 to CNY 2,200.
How to Get to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport from Guangzhou South Railway Station
Passengers can take metro line 2 to the stop Jiahe Wanggang and then transfer to metro line 3 to the stop The Airport South. After get out through the north exit and then they can find the airport in their north. The overall travel time is about 1 hour and the fare is CNY 9.
Urumqi Botanic Garden is consisted of 11 gardens including Monthly Rose Garden, Rose Botanic Area and Pine & Cypress Tree Area. Also one can see lots of rare plants and flowers introduced from other countries and endangered wild plants in Xinjiang like populous pruinosa and Pinus sibirica Du Tour.
In Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar, tourists can see lots of architectures with the unique styles of Islam. What’s more, they can watch the dancing and singing performed by ethnic groups. Most importantly, they can buy things they like in the Shopping Mall of the Grand Bazaar.
The park is built near the red hill which appears to be red because of the red sandstone. Tourists can wander among the woods, go boating over the lake or visit some Buddhist architectures. If they want to have a bird’s eye view about the whole place, they can go upstairs to the top of the tower in Red Hill.
1 Urumqi to Shenzhen train is running from Urumqi Railway Station to Shenzhen Railway Station, taking about 49.5 hours.
See detailed Shenzhen Train Schedule & Urumqi Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Shenzhen to:
Major Rail Lines from Urumqi to:
If possible, one can take Shenzhen to Guangzhou high speed train first and then take Guangzhou to Urumqi flight to get to Urumqi. The overall travel time is about 6.5 hours and passengers can save much time if they choose to do so. The total cost is about CNY 1,360 to CNY 2,260.
Basic Facts of Shenzhen to Urumqi Train

Shenzhen to Urumqi Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration |
Other Transportation Option: Shenzhen to Guangzhou Bullet Train + Guangzhou to Urumqi Flight
Shenzhen to Guangzhou High Speed Train
Guangzhou to Urumqi Flight

Passengers can take metro line 2 to the stop Jiahe Wanggang and then transfer to metro line 3 to the stop The Airport South. After get out through the north exit and then they can find the airport in their north. The overall travel time is about 1 hour and the fare is CNY 9.
Top Things to Do in Urumqi
Appreciate various plants and flowers in Urumqi Botanic Garden
Experience ethnic customs in Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar
Relax in Red Hill Park
Urumqi to Shenzhen Train

- Last updated on Feb. 03, 2023 by Brenda Lian -