Xi'an - Nanchang Train
There are 4 pairs of bullet trains with the duration of around 7 - 9.5 hours and over 4 pairs of normal speed trains with the duration of around 15 - 22.5 hours running between Xi'an and Nanchang. The high speed railway connecting the two cities is 1,383 kilometers (859 miles) long and a ride costs CNY 922.5 - 1,318 on a first class seat and CNY 576.5 - 816.5 on a second class seat.
Xi'an - Nanchang High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Xi'an to Nanchang High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G3158 | 06:44 - 15:49 | 9h5m |
G2298 | 07:12 - 14:49 | 7h37m |
G642 | 11:55 - 18:57 | 7h2m |
G3186 | 12:20 - 21:38 | 9h18m |
Nanchang to Xi'an Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G640 | 07:46 - 14:51 | 7h5m |
G3184 | 09:28 - 18:45 | 9h17m |
G2296 | 13:55 - 22:03 | 8h8m |
G3156 | 14:17 - 23:15 | 8h58m |
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Xi'an - Nanchang High Speed Train
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 1,801.5 - 2,601.5 USD 249 - 359 | CNY 922.5 - 1,318 USD 127 - 182 | CNY 576.5 - 816.5 USD 80 - 113 |
Running Route of Xi'an - Nanchang High Speed Train

Normal Speed Trains of Xi'an - Nanchang
Basic Facts:

Xi'an to Nanchang Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
T308 | 00:28 - 15:45 | 15h17m |
K1310 | 09:25 - 01:30+ | 16h5m |
K132 | 23:06 - 20:13+ | 21h7m |
K448 | 23:30 - 16:14+ | 16h44m |
Z128 | 23:50 - 15:19+ | 15h29m |
Nanchang to Xi'an Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z126 | 13:29 - 04:39+ | 15h10m |
T306 | 14:18 - 06:14+ | 15h56m |
K446 | 21:13 - 13:18+ | 16h5m |
K134 | 22:58 - 21:24+ | 22h26m |
1. “+” indicates the second day;
2. The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 427.5 - 497.5 USD 59 - 69 | CNY 279.5 - 325.5 USD 39 - 45 | CNY 152.5 - 177.5 USD 21 - 25 |
Other Transportation Option: Xi'an - Nanchang Flight

- Last updated on Dec. 25, 2024 by Grace Yang -