Tianjin - Taiyuan Train
More than 4 pairs of high speed trains run between Tianjin and Taiyuan. It usually takes around 3 - 4.5 hours to cover the trip with distance of about 530 kilometers (329 miles), and costs CNY 311.5 - 335.5 on a first class seat and CNY 194 - 209 on a second class seat. Also, there are 5 pairs of normal speed trains in service with longer duration of around 6.5 - 10 hours, requiring CNY 244 - 253 for soft sleeper ticket and CNY 161 - 169 for hard sleeper ticket.
Tianjin - Taiyuan High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Tianjin to Taiyuan High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2609 | 10:39 - 13:57 | 3h18m |
G2639 | 13:34 - 17:04 | 3h30m |
G2608 | 15:45 - 19:20 | 3h35m |
G2605 | 15:57 - 19:20 | 3h23m |
G2601 | 19:47 - 22:41 | 2h54m |
Taiyuan to Tianjin Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2602 | 07:43 - 11:25 | 3h42m |
G2606 | 08:11 - 12:32 | 4h21m |
G2640 | 13:01 - 16:49 | 3h48m |
G2610 | 14:50 - 18:20 | 3h30m |
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Tianjin - Taiyuan High Speed Train
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 596 - 643 USD 82 - 88 | CNY 311.5 - 335.5 USD 43 - 46 | CNY 194 - 209 USD 27 - 29 |
Normal Speed Trains of Tianjin - Taiyuan
Basic Facts:

Tianjin to Taiyuan Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
T194 | 00:46 - 07:10 | 6h24m |
K1572 | 01:53 - 08:58 | 7h5m |
K980 | 12:50 - 22:56 | 10h6m |
K213 | 14:29 - 23:12 | 8h43m |
K865 | 22:57 - 07:18+ | 8h21m |
Taiyuan to Tianjin Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K978 | 04:59 - 13:52 | 8h53m |
K1574 | 05:25 - 12:27 | 7h2m |
T192 | 20:37 - 02:56+ | 6h19m |
K866 | 20:45 - 05:39+ | 8h54m |
K214 | 21:55 - 07:01+ | 9h6m |
1. “+” indicates the second day;
2. The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
3. Overnight sleeper trains departing in late evening and arriving in early morning are recommended to you because you can have a good rest at night and save your daytime to deal with your business or visit some attractions in your trip positively.
Ticket Fare of Tianjin - Taiyuan Train
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 244 - 253 USD 34 - 35 | CNY 161 - 169 USD 22 - 23 | CNY 86 - 91 USD 12 - 13 |

- Last updated on Jan. 20, 2025 by Grace Yang -