Shenzhen - Xiamen Train
Currently there are about 56 pairs of trains running daily between Shenzhen North Railway Station and Xiamen/ Xiamen North Railway Station. Most of them are high speed D trains and a few are G trains. They all run in daytime. Non-bullet trains are not available for this route. On some specified dates, additional high speed rides will be added.
With a top speed of 155mi/h (250km/h), the day time high speed train rides take around 2.5 to 4 hours for a total length of 319 – 339 miles (514 - 545 kilometers).
(Last Update on Dec 12, 2024)
Around 56 departures in total: departure time from 07:06 to 19:20; duration from 2H32M to 3H51M.
See more Shenzhen Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 12, 2024)
Around 56 departures in total: departure time from 06:28 to 20:13; duration from 2H32M to 4H.
See more Xiamen Schedule
Note: The above schedule is for reference only. For the real-time timetable, please use the search tool on top of this page.
(Last Update on Dec 12, 2024)
The price differences are caused by different operation stations and different running times.
Stopovers along the way: Huizhou South, Huidong, Houmen, Shanwei, Lvfeng, Kuitan, Puning, Chaoyang, Chaoshan, Raoping, Zhaoan, Yunxiao, Zhangpu, Zhangzhou, Jiaomei
Since different railway stations are involved in both cities, it is advisable to double check the correct station for use before departure to avoid any unnecessary "accident" on the day of travel.
In Shenzhen:
North Station can be easily accessed by subway Line 4 (Longhua Line), Line 5 (Huanzhong Line) and Line 6 (Guangming Line); airport shuttle bus line 330C also connects it with airport directly.
In Xiamen:
Xiamen Railway Station is closer to the city center and sightseeing area, thus if the time fits, it would be a good option to choose this station. North Railway Station, though far from the city center compared with the main station, has many city buses to airport and scenic spots including Jimei School Village and South Putuo Temple.
Further Reading: Best Way to Travel between Shenzhen and Xiamen
Major Rail Lines from Shenzhen to:
Major Rail Lines from Xiamen to:
With a top speed of 155mi/h (250km/h), the day time high speed train rides take around 2.5 to 4 hours for a total length of 319 – 339 miles (514 - 545 kilometers).
Shenzhen to Xiamen Train Schedule:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D664 | 07:57 - 10:33 | 2h36m |
D2310 | 10:09 - 13:26 | 3h17m |
D2362 | 12:08 - 15:22 | 3h14m |
G3004 | 15:43 - 19:19 | 3h36m |
G3008 | 19:20 - 22:36 | 3h16m |
See more Shenzhen Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 12, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D2339 | 07:33 - 10:35 | 3h2m |
G3003 | 10:15 - 13:49 | 3h34m |
D2361 | 12:05 - 15:14 | 3h9m |
G1601 | 15:40 - 19:05 | 3h25m |
D665 | 19:20 - 21:52 | 2h32m |
See more Xiamen Schedule
Note: The above schedule is for reference only. For the real-time timetable, please use the search tool on top of this page.
Ticket Price:
Deluxe Soft Sleeper | Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 410 USD 57 | CNY 703 - 812 USD 97 - 112 | CNY 276 - 389 USD 38 - 54 | CNY 169 - 245 USD 23 - 34 |
Stopovers along the way: Huizhou South, Huidong, Houmen, Shanwei, Lvfeng, Kuitan, Puning, Chaoyang, Chaoshan, Raoping, Zhaoan, Yunxiao, Zhangpu, Zhangzhou, Jiaomei
Since different railway stations are involved in both cities, it is advisable to double check the correct station for use before departure to avoid any unnecessary "accident" on the day of travel.

North Station can be easily accessed by subway Line 4 (Longhua Line), Line 5 (Huanzhong Line) and Line 6 (Guangming Line); airport shuttle bus line 330C also connects it with airport directly.

Xiamen Railway Station is closer to the city center and sightseeing area, thus if the time fits, it would be a good option to choose this station. North Railway Station, though far from the city center compared with the main station, has many city buses to airport and scenic spots including Jimei School Village and South Putuo Temple.

Recommended Tours
- Last updated on Dec. 12, 2024 by Grace Yang -