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Shenzhen - Nanjing Train

8 pairs of high speed trains are available for passengers traveling between Shenzhen and Nanjing. The total running distance between the 2 cities is 1,924 km (1,196 mi). A single trip takes around 8 - 13.5 hours and a ride on a second class seat costs CNY 625.5 - 905.5.

There are 1 pair of normal speed trains running overnight between the 2 cities as well; the general duration is about 21 - 22 hours.

Shenzhen - Nanjing High Speed Trains

Basic Facts:

 Open date: December 28, 2013
 Duration: around 8 - 13.5 hours
 Running distance: 1,924 kilometers (1,196 miles)
 Top speed: 200 km/h (124 mph)
 Operated at: ShenzhenShenzhen North Railway Station, Nanjing South Railway Station
 Major stations along the way: Huizhou South, Lufeng, Chaoyang, Xiamen North, Quanzhou, Fuzhou South, Wenzhou South, Ningbo, Shaoxing North, Hangzhou East, Suzhou in Jiangsu

Shenzhen to Nanjing High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
D37606:20 - 15:158h55m
G279006:40 - 14:277h47m
D229408:02 - 20:0912h7m
D228209:40 - 23:1913h39m
G166610:05 - 18:468h41m
D211411:01 - 22:2211h21m
G278613:02 - 21:028h00m
G278215:30 - 23:187h48m
See more Shenzhen Schedule

Nanjing to Shenzhen Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
D228106:32 - 20:1613h44m
G278107:31 - 15:318h00m
D211308:38 - 19:1410h36m
G166509:00 - 18:099h9m
G278509:07 - 17:017h54m
D37510:08 - 19:179h9m
D229310:57 - 22:3311h36m
G278914:53 - 22:337h40m
See more Nanjing Schedule 

Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top. 

Shenzhen - Nanjing High Speed Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 2,335 - 2,928
USD 323 - 404
CNY 999 - 1,468
USD 138 - 203
CNY 625.5 - 905.5
USD 86 - 125


Transfer at Wuhan for More High Speed Trains

If the 8 pairs of trains above failed to meet your time arrangement, you can try transfer in Wuhan for more. 
Route  Schedule  Duration Ticket Fare for Second Class Seat
Shenzhen North - Wuhan

About 37 pairs
from around 06:08 to 17:37
4h - 7h CNY 189 - 667.5
Wuhan/ Hankou - Nanjing South

Over 23 pairs
from around 08:00 to 19:33
2.5h- 4h CNY 199 - 272
Total --- 6.5h - 11h  CNY 388 - 939.5

Shenzhen - Nanjing Railway Map
Shenzhen - Nanjing Railway Map
Note: Wuhan Railway Station and Hankou Railway Station are connected by subway. A single ride takes about 1 hour. This route takes around 40 minutes by taxi.

Normal Speed Train of Shenzhen - Nanjing

 Operated at: Shenzhen Railway Station, Nanjing Railway Station
 Duration: about 21 - 22 hours
 Distance: 1,707 km (1,061 mi)
 Running Speed: 120 km/h (75mph)
 Major stations along the way: Dongguan East, Huizhou, Dingnan, Ganzhou, Jingdezhen, Huangshan, Wuhu, Ma'anshan

Shenzhen to Nanjing Train Timetable

(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K3412:17 - 09:25+21h8m


Nanjing to Shenzhen Train Timetable

(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K3317:00 - 14:51+21h51m
1. "+" indicates the trip ends on the next day.
2. The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Shenzhen - Nanjing Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Hard SleeperHard Seat
CNY 382.5
USD 53
CNY 212.5
USD 29

Shenzhen - Nanjing Flight

For passengers in a hurry, there are nearly 20 pairs of flight operated between Shenzhen and Nanjing on a daily basis and the number may be increased in peak seasons. The total flying time between the 2 cities is around 2 - 2.5 hours. The fare of the flight tickets usually change within the range of CNY 400 to CNY 1,600.

 Major Rail Lines from Shenzhen to:

  Major Rail Lines from Nanjing to:
- Last updated on Dec. 12, 2024 by Grace Yang -