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Guangzhou - Nanjing Train

Around 4 pairs of high speed trains run between Guangzhou and Nanjing with a duration of 7 – 10 hours. The distance is about 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) and a second class seat costs CNY689-857. The other two pairs of normal speed overnight sleeper trains take a long time of 21 – 26.5 hours for a distance of 1,800 kilometers (1,118 miles). A hard sleeper costs CNY351 – 388 per person.

Guangzhou – Nanjing High Speed Trains

Basic Facts:

 Open Date: May 15th, 2016
 Distance: 1,500 kilometers (932 miles)
 Running speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
 Duration: 7 – 10 hours
 Stations along the way: Guangzhou South, Shaoguan, Qingyuan, Chenzhou West, Hengyang East, Zhuzhou West, Changsha South, Miluo East, Yueyang East, Xianning North, Chibi North, Wuhan, Hong’an West, Macheng North, Jinzhai, Liu’an, Hefei South, Nanjing South

Guangzhou to Nanjing High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Dec 9, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G155406:18 - 13:337h15m
G174606:38 - 14:508h12m
G307211:41 - 21:4610h5m
G63814:56 - 22:327h36m
See more Guangzhou Schedule

Nanjing to Guangzhou Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Dec 9, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G63707:25 - 14:347h9m
G307507:35 - 17:019h26m
G155315:07 - 22:257h18m
G174515:52 - 23:147h22m
See more Nanjing Schedule 

Note: The timetable is for reference only. Please check for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Ticket Fare of Guangzhou – Nanjing High Speed Trains

(Last Update on Dec 9, 2024)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 2,139 - 2,800
USD 295 - 387
CNY 1,102 - 1,359
USD 152 - 188
CNY 689 - 857
USD 95 - 118

Normal Trains of Guangzhou - Nanjing

Guangzhou to Nanjing Train Schedule:

(Last Update on Dec 9, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K52808:19 - 08:16+23h57m
T15210:39 - 08:47+22h8m


Nanjing to Guangzhou Train Timetable:

(Last Update on Dec 9, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
T15113:55 - 10:49+20h54m
K52714:38 - 17:20+26h42m
1. The timetable is for reference only. Please check for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. "+" indicates the second day.

Ticket Fare:

(Last Update on Dec 9, 2024)
Soft SleeperHard SleeperHard Seat
CNY 599 - 666
USD 83 - 92
CNY 351 - 388
USD 48 - 54
CNY 192 - 213
USD 27 - 29
They are shuttling between Guangzhou/ Guangzhou Baiyun Railway Station and Nanjing Railway Station. A soft sleeper or hard sleeper berth is highly recommended for such a long distance journey and the sleeper tickets should be purchased in advance in case they are sold out.

 Stations along the way:
 K528/K527: Shaoguan East, Danxiashan, Shixing, Nanxiong, Dayu, Ganzhou, Jian, Xiajiang, Dongxiang, Yingtan, Shangrao, Quzhou, Jinhua, Hangzhou South, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou
 T152/T151: Shaoguan East, Chenzhou, Hengyang, Zhuzhou, Yichun, Nanchang, Jiujiang, Wuhu, Ma'anshan

Guangzhou – Nanjing Train vs. Flight

Direct flights between the two cities take about 2-2.5 hours for a single journey, saving a lot of time compared with a rail trip. Flights are the first choices for those who are tight in time. Usually, the full price for an economy class is about CNY1,300, but when discounts are provided by airlines in low seasons, the flight ticket fare can be low to CNY400 – 900, which is pretty competitive. In peak seasons, the ticket fare may exceed CNY1,000.
Compared with normal speed trains, high speed trains save a lot of time as well. The facilities and environment on bullet trains are better than that on normal speed ones. In high seasons, they are good choices to save money and time. Besides, the land scenery outside the window is amazing.

In general, budget travelers are very likely to choose normal speed overnight sleeper trains as they are much cheaper. 

Major Rail Lines from Guangzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Nanjing to:
- Last updated on Dec. 09, 2024 by Grace Yang -