How to Get from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to the Bund

The distance from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to the Bund is around 20 kilometers (12.5 miles). Metro line 2 is the best way to travel from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to the Bund, taking around 45 minutes and costing CNY5. Metro line 10 is not bad, but it makes a detour. One can also choose to take the bus, taking around 90 minutes and costing CNY4; it is not very recommened because of a long travel time and the possibility of traffic jams. Taxi is also available, but takes around 1 hour and costs CNY70-80.
How to Travel from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to the Bund
How to Travel from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to the Bund

1. Best Way - Metro Line 2: Around 45 minutes, CNY5

→ Get to metro entrance on the B1 of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station with the help of the bilingual direction signs.
→ Take metro line 2 to East Nanjing Road, 11 stops.
→ Go out from Exit 3 and walk east for around 800 meters (880 yards) to arrive in the Bund.

  Tips on Taking Metro:
a. East Nanjing Road is located on the west side of the Bund. Passengers can walk eastward to reach the middle part of the Bund from here.
b. Passengers do not have to worry about traffic congestion traveling by metro. But the carriage may be extremely crowded during peak hours, thus please be mentally prepared in advance.
c. There are three metro lines at Hongqiao Railway Station. Please pay close attention to the direction signs to avoid taking the wrong line.
Shanghai Metro Line 2
Shanghai Metro Line 2

2. Metro Line 10: Around 55 minutes, CNY5

→ Take metro line 10 to East Nanjing Road, 15 stops.
→ Go out Exit 7 and walk east for around 800 meters (880 yards) to get to the Bund.

Metro line 10 makes a detour from Hongqiao Railway Station to the Bund, so it takes a little longer time than metro line 2.
Shanghai Metro Line 10
Shanghai Metro Line 10

3. Bus Line 835 + Bus Line 71: About 90 minutes, CNY 4

→ Take bus line 835 from Hongqiao West Transportation Center (Hongqiao Xi Jiaotong Zhongxin) to Shenkun Road Hub (Shenkunlu Shuniuzhan), 3 stops.
→ Transfer to bus line 71 on the opposite side of the road to East Yanan Road Bund (Yanan Donglu Waitan), 24 stops.

This method is not recommended due to its long duration and the inconvenience caused by a transfer. Plus, there is also a possibility of traffic jams.
Go to the Bund by Bus
Go to the Bund by Bus

4. Taxi: About 1 hour, CNY70-80

There are both south and north taxi pick-up points on the B1 of Hongqiao Railway Station. Passengers are suggested to choose the south pick-up point to avoid the detour and save money.  

The private taxi ride is comfortable. However, the wait time for getting onboard may be a bit long, and there is the possibility of traffic jams on the way.

Take a taxi to the Bund
Take a taxi to the Bund

Further Reading:

How to Travel from Beijing to Shanghai

Beijing - Shanghai High Speed Train

Beijing - Shanghai Overnight Sleeper Train 

Beijing - Shanghai Train VS. Plane 

Cheapest Way to Travel between Beijing and Shanghai 

How to Get from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to People’s Square & Nanjing Road

How to Get from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to Pudong Airport 

- Last updated on Nov. 22, 2024 by Grace Yang -
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