One pair of direct high speed trains G418 / 417 between Hong Kong and Nanning are running. It takes only about 4 hours and the ticket fare for a second class seat is CNY 465 (USD 66).
If the schedule of direct trains do not cope with your travel plan, passengers can make a transfer at Guangzhou South Railway Station or Shenzhen North Railway Station. Generally, transferring in Guangzhou has more choices and it is the cheapest option to transfer in Shenzhen North, costing around CNY 400 - 500 (USD 57 - 71).
Basic Facts of Hong Kong - Nanning High Speed Trains
Open time: July 10th, 2019
Travel Time: about 4 hours
Distance: About 674 kilometers (420 mi)
Top speed: 200 km/h (124 mph) in HK, 300 km/h (186 mph) in Mainland
Operated at: West Kowloon Railway Station, Nanning East Railway Station

Other Stop-by Railway Stations: Wuzhou South, Foshan West, Shenzhen North, Humen
Hong Kong - Nanning High Speed Train |
Hong Kong to Nanning High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 22, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G418 | 15:33 - 19:29 | 3h56m |
See more
Hong Kong Train Schedule Nanning to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Oct 22, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G417 | 11:18 - 15:13 | 3h55m |
See more
Nanning Train Schedule Hong Kong – Nanning High Speed Train Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Oct 22, 2024)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 1,389 USD 197 | CNY 744 USD 106 | CNY 465 USD 66 |
Transfer in Guangzhou South

Overall Travel Time: 4 - 5 hours

Total Ticket Fare: CNY 403 - 465
Hong Kong to Guangzhou to Nanning High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare
West Kowloon – Guangzhou South | Guangzhou South - Nanning | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
Second Class Seat |
G6526: 16:58 - 17:44 | D598: 18:11 - 20:57 | 3H59M | 215 + 208 = 423 |
G6540: 10:09 - 10:56 | D3842: 11:25 - 15:00 | 4H51M | 215 + 250 = 465 |
G6534: 10:35 - 11:40 | D584: 12:09 - 14:55 | 4H20M |
G6508: 14:57 - 16:05 | G418: 16:37 - 19:29 | 4H22M |
G6536: 13:41 - 14:51 | D586: 15: 21 - 18:06 | 4H25M | 215 + 230 = 445 |
Nanning to Guangzhou to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable & Ticket Fare
Nanning – Guangzhou South | Guangzhou South – West Kowloon | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
Second Class Seat |
D3611: 06:49 - 09:47 | G6503: 10:16 - 11:04 | 4H15M | 188 + 215 = 403 |
D587: 18:32 - 21:16 | G6587: 21:32 - 22:31 | 3H59M | 230 + 215 = 445 |
D3789: 11:23 - 14:39 | G319: 14:59 - 15:57 | 4H34M |
D581: 08:50 - 11:35 | G6529: 11:55 - 13:00 | 4H10M | 250 + 215 = 465 |
D583: 12:18 - 15:01 | G6537: 15:28 - 16:45 | 4H27M |
Transfer in Shenzhen North

Overall Travel Time: Around 4.5 - 5 hours

Total Ticket Fare: Around CNY 400
Hong Kong to Shenzhen to Nanning High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare
West Kowlloon - Shenzhen North | Shenzhen North - Nanning | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
Second Class Seat |
G6538: 17:05 - 17:23 | G2916: 17:58 - 21:34 | 4H29M | 75 + 324.5 = 399.5 |
G5642: 11:33 - 11:51 | G2918: 12:22 - 16:05 | 4H32M | 75 + 304.5 = 379.5 |
Nanning to Shenzhen to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable & Ticket Fare
Nanning - Shenzhen North | Shenzhen North - West Kowloon | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
Second Class Seat |
G2955: 13:58 – 17:36 | G3007: 18:03 - 18:23 | 4H25M | 329.5 + 75 = 404.5 |
G417: 11:18 - 14:51 | G319: 15:39 - 15:57 | 4H39M | 324.5 + 75 = 399.5 |
- Last updated on Nov. 25, 2024 by Grace Yang -