Hong Kong - Dongguan High Speed Train

About 31 pairs of high speed trains travel between Hong Kong and Dongguan every day. Most trains to Hong Kong are departing from Dongguan Humen and Dongguan South Station. The overall travel time is about 0.5 - 1.5h and the ticket fare of a second class seat is CNY 111 - 178 / USD 16 - 25.

Basic Facts of Hong Kong - Dongguan High Speed Rail

 Open time: September 23, 2018
 Travel Time: about 0.5 - 1.5h
 Distance: about 97 km (60 mi)
 Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph) in Mainland, 200 km/h (124 mph) in HK
 Operated at: Dongguan Railway Station / Dongguan Humen Railway Station / Dongguan South Railway Station, West Kowloon Railway Station
 Ticket Price: around CNY 111 - 178, or USD 16 - 25 for a second class seat


Hong Kong to Dongguan High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G655208:06 - 08:460h40m
G652810:30 - 11:160h46m
G655612:22 - 13:441h22m
G651216:18 - 16:560h38m
G658820:00 - 20:470h47m
Around 31 departures in total: departure time from 07:35 to 22:08 with an interval of 20 - 40 min; duration from 38M to 1H22M.
See more Hong Kong Schedule 

Dongguan to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G655108:47 - 09:330h46m
G654509:42 - 10:541h12m
G652912:17 - 13:000h43m
G651317:55 - 18:400h45m
G607921:12 - 21:500h38m
Around 31 departures in total: departure time from 07:26 to 21:52 with an interval of 30 - 50 min; duration from 38M to 1H30M.
See more Dongguan Schedule 

Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Hong Kong - Dongguan High Speed Train Ticket Price

(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 373 - 533
USD 53 - 76
CNY 178 - 285
USD 25 - 40
CNY 111 - 178
USD 16 - 25
Hong Kong - Dongguan High Speed Railway Map
More Hong Kong Train Maps

At present, the best way to travel between Hong Kong and Dongguan is undoubtedly the high speed train, which mostly takes less than 1 hour and costs CNY 111 - 178 / USD 16 - 25 for a second class seat. There are also more than 30 departures every day and passengers can easily choose the train based on their schedule. 

It is also availale to take a bus from Hong Kong to Dongguan. Several pick-up points and arrival points are optional for passengers. The ticket fare costs about HKD 110 - 200 / USD 14 - 26 depending on different destinations. For visitors who want to get to Dongguan directly from Hong Kong Airport, the bus service is recommended. Three buses depart at 08:30, 11:30 and 17:30 from the airport, taking about 2.5 hours and costing around HKD 200 / USD 26.

Another convenient way to shuttle between Hong Kong Airport and Dongguan is by taking a ferry. Three ferries depart from Sky Pier at 10:00, 14:30, and 18:30 to Humen Ferry Terminal. Three depart from Humen Terminal at 8:00, 12:00, and 16:30. It costs HKD 230 - 350 / USD 30 - 45 for an economy seat and a single journey takes about 90 minutes. Please note that passengers with checked luggage should arrive at the Sky Pier or Humen Terminal for check-in at least 90 minutes in advance.

Major Rail Lines from Hong Kong to:
- Last updated on Nov. 25, 2024 by Grace Yang -