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Dongguan to Datong Train

At this time, 2 Dongguan to Datong trains run from Dongguan East Railway Station to Datong Railway Station, taking the travel time of 29 to 34 hours to complete the overall travel distance of 2,661 kilometers (1,653 miles). The ticket price of a soft sleeper is CNY 780.5 to CNY 796.5 and of a hard sleeper is CNY 506.5 or CNY 516.5.

From Dongguan to Datong, one can also choose to take the bullet train to Guangzhou first and then take the Guangzhou to Datong flight to get to his destination. The travel time onboard is at least 6 hours and the lowest cost is around CNY 550.

Basic Facts of Dongguan to Datong Train

 Travel Time: 29 to 34 hours
 Running Distance: 2,661 kilometers (1,653 miles)
 Top Speed: 120 or 160 km/h (75 or 199 mph)
 Operated at: Dongguan East Railway Station, Datong Railway Station
 Major Stations along the Way: Huizhou, Longchuan, Ganzhou, Jian, Nanchang, Jiujiang,  Macheng, Fuyang, Liaocheng and Zhangjiakou South

Dongguan to Datong Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train Z182:
1Shenzhen East -09:46
2Dongguan East 10:1610:20
3Huizhou 11:0011:03
4Longchuan [Guangdong] 12:4212:45
5Ganzhou 15:2715:30
6Jian [Jiangxi] 17:2217:25
7Nanchang 19:3620:01
8Jiujiang 21:0621:09
9Macheng 23:0823:11
10Fuyang 01:1001:30
11Heze 03:4603:49
12Liaocheng 04:5705:03
13Hengshui 06:2506:28
14BeijingFengtai 08:4609:11
15Shacheng 11:1511:17
16Zhangjiakou 12:2512:31
17Datong 15:0815:15
18Jining [Inner Mongolia] South 16:5116:57
19Hohhot East 18:0918:29
20Baotou East 19:5720:08
21Baotou 20:24-
Dongguan East
Details of the Train K732:
Dongguan East

Other Transportation Option: Dongguan to Guangzhou Bullet Train + Guangzhou to Datong Flight

If you have a tight schedule, you can choose this kind of combination of bullet train and flight. For Dongguan to Guangzhou high speed trains, there are over 330 available daily, taking only 17 - 95 minutes and costing CNY 23 - 74 on a second class seat.

As for the trip from Guangzhou to Datong, 1 flight with a stopover in Wuhan scheduled at 06:40 is in service. The travel time is about 5.5 hours and the air fare is around CNY 500 to CNY 1,900.

How to Get to Dongguan East Railway Station

Passengers can take city bus 810, 811, 815, 818, 840, 848, 852, 860, 867, K208 and Dongguan Bus 807 to get to the railway station.

Top Things to Do in Datong

 Visit Yungang Grottoes to learn the history behind the grottoes and statues. It is the must-go attraction in the city of Datong, so don’t miss it.
 Avoid the hustle and bustle of the city life and find some inner peace in Mt. Hengshan which is also known as one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China. Also, don’t miss Hanging Monastery built on the cliff of Mt. Hengshan.
 Go to Wooden Pagoda in Yingxian County to appreciate the architectural beauty of the “No.1 Wooden Pagoda in the World”.
 Try some local foods like Yangza Soup, Ya Jiu Qiezi, Zha Yougao, Yingzhou Niuyao, Liangfen, and Shaomai in restaurants such as Donguan Sliced Noodles Restaurant, Laoyemiao Restaurant, Linlaolao Fengwei Restaurant and etc.
 Buy some local specialties such as Egg Carving, Yungang Silk Doll, Artistic Porcelain, and Corn Husk Plaited Articles in places like Daxi Street and Xiaomen Street.

Datong to Dongguan train

2 Datong to Dongguan trains with the travel time of 30 to 36 hours are available.

See detailed Dongguan Train Schedule  & Datong Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Dongguan to:
Major Rail Lines from Datong to:
- Last updated on Mar. 26, 2025 by Grace Yang -