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Chengdu - Nanchang Train

Currently, approximately 10 pairs of bullet trains are serving tourists between Chengdu and Nanchang. The long journey takes about 8 to 13 hours for a single trip and passengers need to pay around CNY 497 - 783 for a second class seat and about CNY 796 - 1,283.5 for a first class seat.

Besides, over 3 pairs of normal speed trains are running between the two cities and a single trip takes about 20 to 24.5 hours. A hard sleeper costs around CNY 343.5 - 401.

Chengdu - Nanchang High Speed Train

Basic Facts:

  Duration: 8 - 13 hours
  Running distance: 1,530 kilometers (950 miles)
  Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
  Operated at: Chengdu East Railway Station, Nanchang/ Nanchang West Railway Station

Chengdu to Nanchang High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G219506:00 - 15:159h15m
D224406:24 - 18:4912h25m
G237106:47 - 15:428h55m
G175507:24 - 16:349h10m
G227707:49 - 17:069h17m
G198308:05 - 17:239h18m
D223809:17 - 21:1011h53m
G219109:26 - 18:279h1m
G218710:10 - 18:238h13m
G216713:15 - 22:159h00m
See more Chengdu Schedule 

Nanchang to Chengdu Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G216507:28 - 16:409h12m
D223607:46 - 20:4512h59m
G175709:59 - 19:199h20m
D224210:32 - 22:1211h40m
G218510:50 - 19:318h41m
G218911:33 - 20:349h1m
G236911:40 - 21:089h28m
G227912:52 - 21:549h2m
G198113:15 - 22:549h39m
G219314:38 - 23:318h53m
See more  Nanchang Schedule  

Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on pagetop.

Chengdu - Nanchang High Speed Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 2,264.5 - 2,496.5
USD 313 - 345
CNY 796 - 1,283.5
USD 110 - 177
CNY 497 - 783
USD 69 - 108


Normal Trains of Chengdu - Nanchang

 Operated at: Chengdu West Railway Station, Nanchang Railway Station
  Running Distance: 1,707 - 1,775 kilometers (1,060 - 1,103 miles)
  Major stations along the way: Suining, Nanchong, Yichang East, Mianyang, Guangyuan, Hanzhong, Ankang, Xunyang, Baihexian, Shiyan, Wudangshan, Gucheng, Xiangzhou, Xiangyang East, Changsha, Suizhou, Anlu, Wuchang, Ezhou, Huangshi, Yangxin, Ruichang, etc.

Chengdu to Nanchang Train Schedule:

(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K125810:37 - 11:10+24h33m
Z39013:56 - 13:51+23h55m
T12621:53 - 19:21+21h28m


Nanchang to Chengdu Train Timetable:

(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K125612:45 - 08:58+20h13m
Z39214:47 - 12:40+21h53m
K35419:19 - 20:01+24h42m
T12821:58 - 17:12+19h14m
Note: The above timetable is only forreference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Chengdu - Nanchang Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Soft SleeperHard SleeperHard Seat
CNY 527.5 - 615
USD 73 - 85
CNY 343.5 - 401
USD 47 - 55
CNY 189.5 - 215
USD 26 - 30

Travel Tips of Chengdu - Nanchang Train

1. If you want more choices of high speed pairs, you can make a transfer at other railway stations. According to the current schedule, Wuhan will be your best choice.
2. Check the stations carefully when you plan to transfer, because there is more than one station in these cities, which will save you a lot of time and make you a smoother trip. 

Other Transportation Option: Chengdu - Nanchang Flight

In general, about 10 pairs of flights are serving between the two cities. It takes about 2 to 2.5 hours to travel by air for a single trip. The fare is around CNY 500 to CNY 1,200 for an economy class seat, which will be a little bit higher than the trains.
Major Rail Lines from Chengdu to: 
Major Rail Lines from Nanchang to:
- Last updated on Jan. 03, 2025 by Grace Yang -