Changsha - Yiwu Train

At present, there are 2 normal speed K trains running from Changsha to Yiwu and 1 back to Changsha on a daily basis with the general duration of about 10.5 - 12.5 hours, including 2 overnight sleeper trains. The price of a hard sleeper ticket is CNY 214.

High speed trains serving between the two cities are not available now, but passengers can enjoy a high speed train trip to nearby Jinhua, then take the Light Rail to Yiwu. 

Basic Facts:

 Duration: about 10.5 - 12.5 hours
 Distance: 817/ 865 km (508/ 537 mi)
 Top speed: 120 km/h (75 mph)
 Operated at: Changsha Railway Station, Yiwu Railway Station
 Major stations along the way: Zhuzhou, Pingxiang, Yingtan, Quzhou, Shangrao, Yushan, Jiangshan, Longyou, Jinhua

Changsha to Yiwu Train Schedule:

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K7320:53 - 08:04+11h11m
K37723:14 - 11:42+12h28m


Yiwu to Changsha Train Timetable:

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K37911:40 - 22:0810h28m
1."+" indicates the trip end on the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.

Changsha - Yiwu  Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Soft SleeperHard SleeperHard Seat
CNY 325
USD 45
CNY 214
USD 29
CNY 115
USD 16

Other Transportation Option:

Changsha to Jinhua High Speed Trains & Jinhua to Yiwu Light Rail

Passengers who are afraid of the long journey of normal trains between Changsha and Yiwu can choose the high speed train trip with a transfer in Jinhua.

Every day, about 54 high speed trains are operated from Changsha South Railway Station to Jinhua Railway Station with the departure time from 02:53 to 20:00 and a duration of 3 - 4 hours. CNY 304 - 405 is needed for a second class seat, CNY 531 - 648 for a first class seat and CNY 1,068 - 1,276 for a business class seat.

Arriving in Jinhua, passengers can take the light rail Jinyi Line at Jinhua Station and get off at Qintang stop directly, which is located in the main urban area of Yiwu. It takes about 1.5 hours and costs CNY 12.

Changsha - Yiwu Flight

There is no direct flight shuttling between Changsha and Yiwu. Passengers with tight schedule are advised to take a connecting flight with a stopover in Xi'an or Chongqing, the total duration of which is about 5.5 - 6 hours. The prices of the economy class change between CNY 800 - CNY 1,600.
Major Rail Lines from Changsha to:
Major Rail Lines from Yiwu to:
- Last updated on Jan. 17, 2025 by Brenda Lian -