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Changsha - Nanning Train

The running distance of the bullet trains between Changsha and Nanning is 887 km (551 mi). So far, there are over 15 pairs of high speed trains serving this line on a daily basis with the price of CNY 320.5 - 629.5 for a second class seat ticket. A single ride takes about 4.5 - 8.5 hours; the differences in journey time are primarily due to the numbers of the stopovers along the way.

Besides that, there are around over 3 pairs of normal speed trains operated between the 2 cities, including an overnight sleeper train. The general duration is about 8 - 13.5 hours with the minimum fare of CNY 214 - 221 for a hard sleeper ticket.

Changsha - Nanning High Speed Train

Basic Facts:

 Open date: September 25th, 2014
 Duration: about 4.5 - 8.5 hours
 Distances: 887 km (551 mi)
 Top speed: 200/ 300 km/h (124/ 186 mph)
 Operated at: Changsha South Railway StationNanning/ Nanning East Railway Station

Changsha to Nanning High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G43108:48 - 14:305h42m
G359111:08 - 19:258h17m
G154513:09 - 18:495h40m
G150115:38 - 21:235h45m
G161517:30 - 23:265h56m
Over 15 departures in total: departure time from 08:48 to 17:30; duration from 4h40m to 8h17m.
See more Changsha Schedule

Nanning to Changsha Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G234006:10 - 11:575h47m
G150209:29 - 15:075h38m
G42210:44 - 15:234h39m
G9412:22 - 17:184h56m
G43215:08 - 21:065h58m
Over 17 departures in total: departure time from 05:32 to 15:08; duration from 4h39m to 8h8m.
See more Nanning Schedule

Note: The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.

Changsha - Nanning High Speed Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 978 - 2,085.5
USD 134 - 286
CNY 516 - 1,035
USD 71 - 142
CNY 320.5 - 629.5
USD 44 - 86


Running Route of High Speed Trains between Changsha and Nanning

Changsha - Hengyang: This section opened in 2009. It belongs to Beijing - Guangzhou High Speed Railway with the design speed of 350 km/h (217 mph). Currently, the operating speed of this railway is 300 km/h (186 mph). This section passes the following stations: Zhuzhou West, Hengshan West and Henyang East.

Hengyang - Nanning: This section is called Hunan - Guangxi High Speed Railway opened in 2013 with the design speeds of 200 km/h (124 mph) and 250 km/h (155 mph) for different sections. The operating speed is 200 km/h (124 mph) at present. This railway passes following stations: Qidong, Qiyang, Yongzhou, Dongan East, Xing’an East, Yangshuo, Guilin North, Yongfu South, Liuzhou and Laibin North.

Normal Speed Trains of Changsha - Nanning

Basic Facts:

 Duration: about 8 - 13.5 hours
 Distance: about 900 - 1,200 km (559 - 746 mi)
 Top speed: 120/ 140/ 160 km/h (75/ 87/ 99 mph)
 Operated at: Changsha Railway Station, Nanning/ Nanning East Railway Station
 Major stations along the way: Hengyang, Guilin North, Liuzhou, Yongzhou, Daozhou, Jianghua, Hezhou, Wuzhou, Quanzhou in Guangxi

Changsha to Nanning Train Schedule:

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K162705:09 - 18:2713h18m
Z506:19 - 14:258h6m
Z33510:44 - 20:369h52m
Z28511:54 - 20:288h34m


Nanning to Changsha Train Timetable:

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
Z33609:30 - 19:209h50m
Z610:50 - 19:268h36m
Z28617:23 - 02:24+9h1m
1. "+" means the train arrive on the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.

Changsha - Nanning Normal Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
Soft SleeperHard SleeperHard Seat
CNY 325 - 337
USD 45 - 46
CNY 214 - 221
USD 29 - 30
CNY 115 - 119
USD 16

Major Rail Lines from Changsha to:
Major Rail Lines from Nanning to:
- Last updated on Jan. 16, 2025 by Grace Yang -