Beijing - Guilin Train
Currently, there are 8 pairs of trains running between Beijing and Guilin daily. Among them, 2 pairs are high speed trains, with duration of 8 - 9 hours; the other pairs are normal type, with longer duration of 19 - 28 hours but lower ticket fare.
Duration: about 8 - 9 hours
Distance: about 2,110 kilometers (1,311 miles)
Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Bejing West Railway Station, Guilin North Railway Station/ Guilin Railway Station
Stations along the way: Baoding East, Shijiazhuang, Gaoyi West, Xingtai East, Handan East, Anyang East, Xinxiang East, Zhengzhou East, Xuchang East, Luohe West, Zhumadian West, Xinyang East, Wuhan, Xianning North, Chibi North, Yueyang East, Changsha South, Zhuzhou West, Hengyang East, Qidong, Qiyang, Yongzhou, Dongan East, Xingan North
(Last Update on Dec 2, 2024)
See more Beijing Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 2, 2024)
See more Guilin Schedule
Note: Timetable listed above is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
(Last Update on Dec 2, 2024)
Duration: around 19 - 28 hours
Distance: about 2,116 kilometers (1315 miles)
Top speed: 160 km/h (99 mph)
Operated at: Bejing West Railway Station/ Beijing Fengtai Railway Station, Guilin North Railway Station
(Last Update on Dec 2, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 2, 2024)
1. '+' indicates the second day.
2. For real-time schedule, please use the search tool on top of this page.
(Last Update on Dec 2, 2024)
If you feel tired of the long journey, flights are available between the two cities, with duration of about 3 hours. In low seasons, the flight ticket may be even lower than the railway ticket.
Further reading about How to Travel between Beijing and Guilin
Major Rail Lines from Beijing to:
High Speed Trains
Basic Facts

Beijing to Guilin High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G93 | 09:00 - 16:59 | 7h59m |
G421 | 10:15 - 19:03 | 8h48m |
(Last Update on Dec 2, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G422 | 12:48 - 21:35 | 8h47m |
G94 | 14:38 - 22:42 | 8h4m |
Note: Timetable listed above is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
Beijing - Guilin High Speed Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 2,763.5 - 2,969 USD 384 - 412 | CNY 1,414 - 1,518 USD 196 - 211 | CNY 883.5 - 949 USD 123 - 132 |
Normal Trains
Basic Facts:

Beijing to Guilin Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K21 | 08:20 - 11:10+ | 26h50m |
Z5 | 16:05 - 11:15+ | 19h10m |
K157 | 16:49 - 21:04+ | 28h15m |
Z335 | 20:12 - 15:56+ | 19h44m |
Z285 | 21:37 - 16:36+ | 18h59m |
T289 | 21:50 - 20:24+ | 22h34m |
Guilin to Beijing Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K158 | 04:28 - 05:59+ | 25h31m |
Z336 | 14:10 - 10:36+ | 20h26m |
Z6 | 14:25 - 09:59+ | 19h34m |
K22 | 19:17 - 22:48+ | 27h31m |
T290 | 20:07 - 18:12+ | 22h5m |
Z286 | 21:10 - 17:11+ | 20h1m |
1. '+' indicates the second day.
2. For real-time schedule, please use the search tool on top of this page.
Beijing - Guilin Train Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 656 USD 91 | CNY 428 USD 59 | CNY 236 USD 33 |

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- Last updated on Dec. 03, 2024 by Grace Yang -