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Urumqi to Kumul Train

Nearly 10 Urumqi to Kumul high speed trains are in service. A single trip takes about 3-3.5 hours. All these bullet trains start from Urumqi Railway Station. The second class seat costs CNY 166.5, and the first class seat costs CNY 266.

Over 20 Urumqi to Kumul normal trains travel every day with a duration of 4-10 hours. All of the trains depart from Urumqi Railway Station. A ride on the soft sleeper costs CNY 250-259, on the hard sleeper costs CNY 142-184, and on the hard seat costs CNY 60-78.

Urumqi to Kumul Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train Z374:
1Urumqi -18:28
2Turpan North 20:0720:10
3Tuha 21:0721:09
4Kumul 23:5000:02
5Liuyuan South 02:5502:57
6Jiayuguan South 05:4905:59
7Gaotai South 07:0207:04
8Xining 10:0110:07
9Lanzhou 11:4512:10
10Minxian 14:2914:32
11Hadapu 14:5114:55
12Longnan [Gansu] 16:1616:22
13Guangyuan 17:4217:55
14Mianyang 21:2121:29
15Deyang 22:1122:17
16Chengdu West 23:2123:52
17Xichang West 04:1304:16
18Panzhihua South 05:4405:50
19Guangtong North 07:1007:13
20Kunming 08:10-

Kumul to Urumqi Train:

Totally, there are over 30 trains traveling from Kumul to Urumqi, including 10 high speed trains and 20+ normal trains. As for Kumul to Urumqi high speed trains, it takes them about 3-3.5 hours to serve passengers. For other trains, it takes them about 4-9.5 hours to finish the long journey due to different running routes.

See detailed Urumqi Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Urumqi to:
- Last updated on Aug. 20, 2019 -