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Suzhou to Ningbo Train

15 Suzhou to Ningbo high speed trains serve passengers every day with a duration of 3 hours. Most of them start from Suzhou Railway Station, and a few of them start from Suzhou North Railway Station. The ticket price of the second class seat ranges from CNY 141-182.5, and of the first class seat ranges from CNY 226-299.5.
2 normal trains are also in service from Suzhou to Ningbo. Both of the two trains start from Suzhou Railway Station and arrive at Ningbo Railway Station. It takes them about 6-7.5 hours to finish the whole trip. The soft sleeper costs CNY 174.5, the hard sleeper costs CNY 117.5, and the hard seat costs CNY 62.5.  

Suzhou to Ningbo Train Tickets Booking


Ningbo to Suzhou Train:

About 17 Ningbo to Suzhou trains are in service on a daily basis, including around 15 high speed trains and 2 normal trains. For high speed trains, it takes them about 2.5-3.5 hours to complete the whole trip. For the normal trains, 6-7 hours are taken to finish the journey. 

See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Ningbo Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:

Major Rail Lines from Ningbo to:
- Last updated on Aug. 06, 2019 -