Suzhou to Lhasa Train

Only one direct Suzhou to Lhasa train serves passengers on a daily basis which travels between Suzhou Railway Station and Lhasa Railway Station. It takes about 47 hours to finish the long journey. The ticket price of the soft sleeper is CNY 1,245.5, of the hard sleeper is CNY 784.5, and of the hard seat is CNY 397.5.

If you want to travel in a faster way, go to Shanghai by train to intercity bus first and then take a flight to Lhasa.

Suzhou to Lhasa Train Tickets Booking


How to Get to Potala Palace from Lhasa Railway Station

From Lhasa Railway Station, passengers can walk about 600 meters (650 yards) to take Lhasa bus 1 at Railway Station bus stop and get off at Labai bus stop, and walk about 550 meters (600 yards) to get to the Potala Palace.

Other Transportation Option: Fly to Lhasa via Shanghai

Suzhou has no airport. If one wants to get to Lhasa in a faster way, flying from the nearby Shanghai is a good choice. Either Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport or Shanghai Pudong International Airport has one flight to Lhasa Kongga International Airport. With a stopover in Xi’an or Chengdu, they take about 8 hours. The flight ticket costs CNY 1,200-2,100.

If fly from Hongqiao Airport, one can travel from Suzhou or Suzhou North Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station by high speed train first in around 0.5 hour, then walk for 10 minutes or take metro line 10 to Hongqiao Airport.

If fly from Pudong Airport, passengers can take airport shuttle bus from Suzhou Bus Station (North Square of Suzhou Railway Station) or Suzhou Jinji Lake Shilla Hotel to get to Pudong International Airport. The departure time is 05:20-17:00 and 06:45-17:40 respectively and the departure interval is 30-40 minutes. The ticket costs CNY84 per person.

Where to Go in Lhasa

The Potala Palace

As the representative of Tibetan ancient architecture, Potala Palace is built on the hills and is a magnificent building integrating palaces, castles and monasteries. It is also the largest and most complete ancient palace complex in Tibet. The Potala Palace is a sacred place for Tibetan Buddhism, and there are countless pilgrims and tourists visiting the country every year.

Located in the center of the old city of Lhasa, Jokhang Temple is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery built by Srongtsen Gampo, who unified Tibet. It has a history of more than 1,300 years and has a supreme status in Tibetan Buddhism. It is also the most splendid temple in Tubo period and the earliest architecture with civil structure in Tibet.

Lhasa to Suzhou Train

There is only one Lhasa to Suzhou train serving passengers on a daily basis. It takes over 47 hours to finish the long journey. And the ticket for the soft sleeper costs CNY 1,245.5, for the hard sleeper costs CNY 784.5, and for the hard seat costs CNY 397.5.

See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Lhasa Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:

Major Rail Lines from Lhasa to:
- Last updated on Oct. 10, 2019 -