Suzhou to Jiaxing Train
Nowadays, 26 Suzhou to Jiaxing high speed trains are available. They are traveling from Suzhou Railway Station or Suzhou North Railway Station to Jiaxing South Railway Station, taking 1-1.5 hours to finish the overall travel distance of 126-307 kilometers (78-190 miles). The ticket fare for a first class seat is from CNY 100 to CNY 126.5 and for a second class seat is from CNY 62 to CNY 78.5.
Besides, 16 normal speed trains are in service from Suzhou Railway Station to Jiaxing Railway Station, taking about 2.5-3.5 hours. A hard seat costs CNY 24.5-28.5, and the price of a soft sleeper is CNY 114.5-118.5 and of a hard sleeper is CNY 78.5-82.5.
23 Jiaxing to Suzhou high speed trains are in service from Jiaxing South Railway Station to Suzhou Railway Station and Suzhou North Railway Station, and 15 normal speed trains you can take from Jiaxing Railway Station to Suzhou Railway Station.
See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Jiaxing Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Jiaxing to:
Besides, 16 normal speed trains are in service from Suzhou Railway Station to Jiaxing Railway Station, taking about 2.5-3.5 hours. A hard seat costs CNY 24.5-28.5, and the price of a soft sleeper is CNY 114.5-118.5 and of a hard sleeper is CNY 78.5-82.5.
Suzhou to Jiaxing Train Tickets Booking
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Jiaxing to Suzhou Train

- Last updated on May. 06, 2020 -