Jiaxing South Railway Station
Address: Liming Village, Yuxin Town, Nanhu District
Schedule and Ticket Booking
To | Trains | Duration | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
First/ Second Class Seat | |||
Beijing | G108, G158, D718, D712 from 06:53 to 20:51 | 6h37m - 12h49m | CNY 991.5/ 285 USD 146/ 42 |
Shanghai | G7358, G7358, D2212, G108... 118 departures from 06:40 to 22:57 | 0h27m - 1h33m | CNY 36/ 23 USD 5/ 3 |
Hangzhou | G1421, G7363, D3145, G1383... 126 departures from 06:42 to 21:58 | 0h23m - 1h11m | CNY 39/ 17 USD 6/ 3 |
Nanjing | D2212, G108, G1952, G1866... 28 departures from 06:45 to 21:09 | 2h6m - 3h32m | CNY 228/ 70 USD 34/ 10 |
Guangzhou | G1301 at 10:53 | 7h52m | CNY 1,240.5/ 754.5 USD 182/ 111 |
Xiamen | D3145, G1651, D2287, D3131... 19 departures from 07:06 to 13:49 | 5h1m - 7h46m | CNY 598/ 373 USD 88/ 55 |
Shenzhen | D2287, D377, D2281, D2289... 7 departures from 07:41 to 11:49 | 10h26m - 10h47m | CNY 903/ 563 USD 133/ 83 |
Wenzhou | D3145, G7501, G7543, D2287... 40 departures from 07:06 to 19:30 | 2h32m - 3h56m | CNY 281/ 172.5 USD 41/ 25 |
Shaoxing | G7363, D3145, G7501, G7543... 23 departures from 07:02 to 21:32 | 0h44m - 1h16m | CNY 70/ 44 USD 10/ 6 |
Ningbo | D3145, G7501, G7543, D2287... 33 departures from 07:06 to 21:32 | 1h19m - 1h57m | CNY 136/ 85 USD 20/ 13 |

Station Plan
Jiaxing South Train Station, with slope roof, black tile and white wall, is in the style of China’s water town. It is equipped with 6 platforms and 8 tracks. The terminal is a three storey building and the interior layout is as follows:
1F: Exits.
2F: Waiting Hall 1 which is served for passengers to Platform 1, Ticket Office and staff office.
3F: Waiting Hall 2 which is served for passengers to Platform 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
How to get to Jiaxing South Railway Station from downtown area:
Passengers can take any of the following buses to Jiaxing South Railway Station:
Bus No. 116, 118/ 118 Fast Line, 71, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, Tourism Line 8.
How to get to Wuzhen Water Town:
STEP 1: Take bus No.98 to Jiaxing General Bus Station.
STEP 2: Take bus Tourism Line 2 to Wuzhen General Bus Station.
STEP 3: From Wuzhen General Bus Station to Wuzhen Water Town
a. Take bus Tongxiang K350 to Wuzhen Xizha Scenic Area. The total sum of the trip will be CNY 17.
b. Take a taxi and you will get there at the cost of CNY 10 within 10 minutes, and you will pay about CNY30 for the whole trip.
How to get to Xitang Water Town:
Take bus 91, 93 or Tourism Line 8 to West of Jiaxing North Bus Station and then transfer to bus No. 152/K1525 to Cui Nan Village bus stop, then walk eastward for about 100 meters (110 yards) to Xitang Water Town. It will take about 2 hours at cost of CNY 10. High Speed Train:
Passengers can take high speed trains to Jiashan South Railway Station within 9 minutes. The ticket fare is CNY27.5 for Business Class Seat, CNY13.5 for First Class Seat, and CNY 8.5 for Second Class Seat.
From Jiashan South Railway Station to Xitang Water Town, there are three options:
1. Take bus Jiashan 222/K222 to Xitang Water Town; it takes about one hour.
2. Take the Jiashan South Railway Station to Xitang Water Town non-stop coach at cost of CNY8.
3. Take a taxi and it costs CNY70 within 35 minutes.