Only 1 train is available from
Qingdao Railway Station to
Guilin North Railway Station, taking the travel time of about 35 hours to complete the total distance of 2,426 kilometers (1,507 miles).
The ticket price for a soft sleeper on this Qingdao to Guilin train is CNY 749.5 and for a hard sleeper is CNY 491.5.
Major railway stations along the way are Zibo, Jinan, Jining, Shangqiu South, Fuyang, Huangzhou, Nanchang and Yongzhou.
Qingdao to Guilin Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration |
G456Details of the Train G456: 10H54M | | | |
| | | |
How to Get to Qingdao Railway Station
Passengers can take city bus 307/ 223 to get to Qingdao Railway Station. Or one can walk to the station directly which takes about 15 minutes.
One can take metro line 3 to Huiquan Square and then get out from Exit K.
Passengers can also choose to get to the railway station by taxi. The taxi ride takes about 15 minutes and costs around CNY 20.
Take direct city bus 321 to get to the railway station. If take a taxi to get there, it may take the duration of 30 minutes with the fare of around CNY 40.
Other Transportation Option: Qingdao - Guilin Flight
From Qingdao to Guilin, 1 flight scheduled at 10:50 is in service and 1 flight at 15:20 is available from Guilin to Qingdao. The travel time is 3 hours and the air fare is from CNY 550 to CNY 1,300.
Top Things to Do in Guilin
The scenery along both sides of Li River is quite attractive, so it is wise to appreciate the natural beauty along Li River in a cruise. When you are on the cruise ship, you can see that trees and mountains in both sides shade themselves on the clear water of Li River. The shades are like their duplicates. The section from Guilin to Yangshuo is the most popular for a cruise for in that way, you can appreciate the beauty of the scenery slowly. Upon arrival in Yangshuo, you can rent a bike to enjoy the countryside scenery.
In Reed Flute Cave, stalactites and stone pillars in various shapes form the spectacular scene of Tower-shaped Pine, Crystal Palace and etc. What’s more, there are lots of murals inscribed in the wall. You can not only enjoy the beautiful natural rock formations but also the precious murals made from the ancient times.
Taste local specialties
There are a lot of different foods in Guilin. You can try some local specialties like Guilin rice noodles, nun vegetarian noodles, chestnut glutinous rice dumplings, stewed duck with gingko, lotus-leaf duck, fried meat floss with sweet-scented osmanthus and sour fried dried fish.
1 Guilin to Qingdao train is in service, taking the travel time of 35.5 hours.

See detailed
Qingdao Train Schedule &
Guilin Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Qingdao to:

Major Rail Lines from Guilin to:
- Last updated on Feb. 03, 2023 by Brenda Lian -