Liuzhou to Shenzhen Train
Only 1 Liuzhou to Shenzhen high speed train is in service from Liuzhou Railway Station to Shenzhen North Railway Station, taking 4.5 hours to compete the travel distance of 712 kilometers (442 miles). The ticket price for a first class seat is CNY 440.5, and for a second class seat is CNY 287.5.
Additionally, 3 normal speed trains run from Liuzhou Railway Station to Shenzhen/ Shenzhen West Railway Station, taking 15.5 to 16.5 hours. A soft sleeper costs CNY 393.5 or CNY 494.5 and a hard sleeper costs CNY 267.5 or CNY 272.5.
From Liuzhou to Shenzhen, 1 flight scheduled at 12:30 is available. As for Shenzhen to Liuzhou flight, its schedule is at 10:20. The travel time is around 1.5 hours and the air fare is from CNY 350 to CNY 750.
Getting some sun tan is just one of the activities that you can do on the beach. If you want to be close to the sea, you can rent motor boats to go surfing.
You can find models of most famous historical relics, natural landscapes, folk houses and customs during your travel in the village, such as Great Wall, Li River and Beijing Courtyards.
The theme park is composed of Sunshine Beach, Typhoon Bay, Playa Maya Water Park, Happy Times and etc. You can choose your favorite entertainment facility in Happy Valley and then have fun there.
1 Shenzhen to Liuzhou high speed train is in service, taking the travel time of around 4.5 hours.
4 normal speed trains are also running from Shenzhen to Liuzhou, requiring the duration of 14 to 15.5 hours.
See detailed Shenzhen Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Liuzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Shenzhen to:
Additionally, 3 normal speed trains run from Liuzhou Railway Station to Shenzhen/ Shenzhen West Railway Station, taking 15.5 to 16.5 hours. A soft sleeper costs CNY 393.5 or CNY 494.5 and a hard sleeper costs CNY 267.5 or CNY 272.5.
Liuzhou to Shenzhen Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G2910 Details of the Train G2910:
4H20M | 08:10 Liuzhou | 12:30 Shenzhen North | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G3744 Details of the Train G3744:
4H55M | 08:35 Liuzhou | 13:30 Shenzhen North | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G2895 Details of the Train G2895:
4H23M | 18:06 Liuzhou | 22:29 Shenzhen North |
Transfer at Guangzhou South for More Options
Liuzhou to Guangzhou South | Guangzhou South to Shenzhen North | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Price Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat |
D2994 12:00 - 16:00 | G6551 16:52 - 17:39 | 5h39m | CNY 213 + CNY 74.5 = CNY 287.5 |
D3753 12:51 - 17:16 | G2903 18:01 - 18:30 | 5h39m | CNY 190 + CNY 74.5 = CNY 264.5 |
D2946 13:44 - 18:31 | G6237 18:16 - 18:56 | 5h12m | CNY 213 + CNY 74.5 = CNY 287.5 |
D3755 13:54 - 18:09 | G1017 18:54 - 19:31 | 6h37m | CNY 190 + CNY 74.5 = CNY 264.5 |
Other Transportation Option: Liuzhou to Shenzhen Flight
Top Things to Do in Shenzhen
Go to Dameisha Beach and enjoy the sunshine
You can find models of most famous historical relics, natural landscapes, folk houses and customs during your travel in the village, such as Great Wall, Li River and Beijing Courtyards.
Relax yourself in Happy Valley
Shenzhen to Liuzhou Train
4 normal speed trains are also running from Shenzhen to Liuzhou, requiring the duration of 14 to 15.5 hours.

- Last updated on Jul. 11, 2019 -