2010 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Tiger

Which type of Tiger are people born in 2010 Chinese zodiac year?

Tiger is the 2010 Chinese zodiac sign. And according to Chinese Five Elements, people born in 2010 year of the Tiger belong to the Metal Tiger.

As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, in Gregorian calendar, people born from February 14, 2010 to February 2, 2011 are Metal Tiger, and people born from January 1 to February 13 in 2010 belong to the Earth OX.

Lucky Signs for 2010 Metal Tiger

 Lucky Numbers: 1, 3

 Lucky Colors: red, purple, white, blue

2025 Horoscope for Metal Tiger Born in 2010

2010 born “Tigers” would do well in their studies in the year 2025. They would be able to stay focused in class and work hard to excel in their studies. By maintaining regular exercise and a healthy diet, they could keep their body in a healthy state and would not have major physical problems. But they should care more about their eyesight. They are advised to avoid long-period use of electronic devices and do eye exercises regularly.

 See more about Tiger Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 2010 Chinese Zodiac Metal Tiger

People with Chinese zodiac Tiger born in 2010 are quiet and composed. They are family-centered. They have good interpersonal relationships, and can easily get along well with others. Female Metal Tiger are generally open-minded, enthusiastic; quite different from the female, male Metal Tiger are usually hesitant, capricious and coy.

However, they are relatively silent and will not easily accept other people's advice, even if they need it very much. Their determination is not firm enough and easily shakes.

 See more about Personality of the Tiger


People with Chinses zodiac Metal Tiger have a pretty good luck in career. Because of their personality, they are very suitable to start a business. They are usually good at cooperating with others. And based on the Five Elements, they are suitable for the water-related industries such as water conservancy project and fishery industry.

 See more about Tiger's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


They are very ambitious, careful and good at analyzing, so they can earn a lot of money in their lives, especially from investment. But they are too greedy sometimes which may cause financial troubles for them.

Love and Relationships

Their love fortune is pretty good. They prefer opposite sex who have the common interest with them, and they feel very comfortable staying with them. Hence, they are more likely to get married with their good friends. After they got married, their relationships are also very harmonious. They love each other very much. Both of them two care about each other and like to create some surprises for each other on special days.

 See more about Tiger's Love Compatibility 


The Metal Tiger should pay attention to lung. They are easy to get angry, which leads to pulmonary dysfunction, thus affecting the normal rest and work of the lungs. In order not to suffer from lung disease, they should try to control their bad temper. At the same time, they should watch out when going out for sightseeing or business trips, avoiding going to dangerous areas for safety’s sake.

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 Tiger's Character and Fortune by Five Elements

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -