1986 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Tiger

Which type of Tiger are people born in 1986 Chinese zodiac year?

According to Chinese zodiac, 1986 is the year of the Tiger. Most Chinese people believe in Chinese Five Elements, and 1986 is the Fire year. So, people born in 1986 Chinese zodiac year are the Fire Tiger.

As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, the Fire Tiger year starts from February 9, 1986 to January 28, 1987. Those who born from January 1 to February 8 in 1986 belong to Chinese zodiac Wood Ox.

Lucky Signs for 1986 Fire Tiger

 Lucky Numbers: 3, 9

 Lucky Colors: green, golden yellow  

2025 Horoscope for Fire Tiger Born in 1986

People born in 1986 with Tiger sign of Chinese zodiac would have relatively good horoscopes in 2025. In workplace, they are likely to receive guidance and support from their experienced colleagues or superiors and gain valuable opportunities for career development. But they still should be cautious, especially in words and actions, so as not to adversely affect their relationships with colleagues. Businessmen may achieve some of their goals by cooperating with others in 2025. The development of career would bring considerable income. However, the luck in investments may be not very good and it is advised to think twice before investing. 

Being absorbed in their work, they intend to care less about their love life. During 2025, singles may not have the opportunity to get acquainted with the opposite sex because they show up less at social occasions, while those married may have quarrels with their partners because of their neglect of the other half. Knowing this beforehand, they should try to leave more time for their love life. Moreover, they are advised to have adequate sleep for good health.

 See more about Tiger Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 1986 Chinese Zodiac Fire Tiger

People born with Chinese zodiac Tiger are naturally smart, quick-witted, and good at reading and love extracurricular activities, so they have been loved by teachers since childhood. They are honest, serious and talented. And they always do what they have said. They fully express their opinions when discussing with others.

But they are too ambitious and proud, and eager to get other people’s admire. They are easily cheated by bad people.

 See more about Personality of the Tiger


The career of the Fire Tiger goes up steadily. They work very hard every day, and can accumulate some experience. Therefore, their career will get better and better in middle ages. They can get appreciation from their supervisors and get promoted quickly, and it is also easy for them to become managers and gain a good reputation at work.

 See more about Tiger's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


Fortunately, they are so smart and can easily seize opportunities in career and obtain large amounts of income. Besides, they may also have moderately good luck in terms of investment, so they could try to buy stocks or other investments on the basis of careful consideration. However, they must be on guard and do not trust others easily; otherwise, they may lose a lot of money.

Love and Relationships

Their love fortune is not very smooth. In the early age, they may meet a wrong person and be cheated by him/her. They should learn to adjust their mood, work hard and draw life to the right track, then they may meet the right person soon after. Due to their honest characteristics, married people may not know how to create romance and surprises, so that they often make their partners unhappy. Spend more time with their partners, and create some surprises and romance every now and then. The relationship between husband and wife will definitely be improved.

 See more about Tiger's Love Compatibility 


People born in 1986 year of the Fire Tiger should pay much attention to their physical condition. Due to their bad living habits, their bodies may be in sub-healthy state for a long time. They’d better get rid of bad habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, excessive diet, lack of exercise and sleep. They need eat more milk, yogurt, fruits and vitamins to get nutrition.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -