1998 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Tiger

Which type of Tiger are people born in 1998 Chinese zodiac year?

According to Chinese Zodiac, 1998 is the year of the Tiger, and it belongs to the Earth based on Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, people born in 1998 Chinese zodiac year are the Earth Tiger.

As Chinese zodiac is based on lunar calendar, the Earth Tiger are born from January 28, 1998 to February 15, 1999, and people who born from January 1 to January 27 in 1998 are Fire Ox.

Lucky Signs for 1998 Earth Tiger

 Lucky Numbers: 3, 9

 Lucky Colors: green, blue, golden yellow 

2025 Horoscope for Earth Tiger Born in 1998

People born in 1998 year of the Tiger would meet some ups and downs in career and wealth during 2025. Although work hard, employees may have no opportunities for getting promoted. Those who start their own business may be betrayed by their partners, bringing them financial pressures. They could seek help and advice from their leaders or experienced workmates to reverse the unfavorable situation. In terms of relationships, the “Tiger” may encounter some challenges, for example, the interference of the other woman or man. Therefore, they need to be more careful to protect their relationship and keep communicating with their mate regularly.

Tiger fortune prediction in 2025 indicates that their health horoscope would be affected by the above downward horoscopes. In general, they would not have major problems in despite of headaches or insomnia. To avoid the above problems, they need to keep optimistic when facing difficulties and relieve stress in time.

 See more about Tiger Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 1998 Chinese Zodiac Earth Tiger

People born in 1998 year of the Tiger are kind-hearted, helpful, generous, so they are absolutely reliable friends. They are extremely clever, confident, ambitious and full of entrepreneurship.

However, most of them are irascible, violent and mercurial. Their desires are so strong, which can even be described as greedy. And they are too proud to care about their partners.

 See more about Personality of the Tiger


The Earth Tiger often desire to succeed in work. They do their best in their field and always devote 100% of their energy to the work. The most important opportunity in their life may come in their middle ages, which requires them to grasp it themselves and show their best to make full use of it. If they use it well, they will surely become successful.

 See more about Tiger's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


People born in 1998 Chinses zodiac year have the strong ability to make money, and they are also good at saving money. Therefore, they are able to make a fortune in their early years. Do not be greedy and do not take money too seriously. Do some charities when they have sufficient funds, which can improve their future fortune luck.

Love and Relationships

The Earth Tiger may be born with beautiful appearance, so they can be quite popular among the opposite sex in their youth. They can meet a soulmate who will accompany them all their lives, but they need to spend more time with their lover. Also, be faithful to the lover and keep a good distance from other opposite sex.

 See more about Tiger's Love Compatibility 


The Earth Tiger born in 1998 enjoy taking part in recreational activities and parties when they are young. After a long time, it may easily cause energy overdraft, respiratory system inflammation, digestive system disorders and other problems. So, they should keep a good living habit. It is suggested to get up early to do some exercises in the morning. And avoid go to places where air does not circulate frequently, such as karaoke bars and pubs.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -