Tiger - Destiny by Birth Date

Best Birth Dates for Tiger

3rd, 4th, 11th, 23rd, and 27th days of a month

 Note: The Chinese zodiac horoscope prediction is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Click to check your birth date in Chinese lunar calendar.


 Born on 1st day of a month
Tiger people born on these days are clever, flexible and lively. But they may be not close with brothers and sisters and get no help from them. According to destiny prediction, their early life is plain but it turns good since middle ages.

 Born on 2nd day of a month
Their early life is better than middle and late life according to the prediction. As a whole, they can get well with others and with the help from dignified persons, there is an opportunity for them to be successful.

 Born on 3rd day of a month
People born on these days in the year of the Tiger are talented, clever and intelligent. The relationship with the partner is nice and they can live a happy and harmonious family life.

 Born on 4th day of a month
They are born clever and lucky. They can also have a perfect partner and stay together happily till the end of the life.

 Born on 5th day of a month
Born on these days with Chinese zodiac Tiger, this group of people are usually good looking and kind-hearted. However, they may get little help from families and are advised to seek success somewhere away from the hometown.

 Born on 6th day of a month
Their life is bitter in the early half path and sweet in the late half path. They can only rely on themselves for a living. Fortunately, they seldom have health problems.

 Born on 7th day of a month
Their early life is plain but the good luck comes in middle ages, which may bring them success and happiness.

 Born on 8th day of a month
They are smart, but have weak wills and think things inconsiderately, which leads to opportunities of success fly away.

 Born on 9th day of a month
This group of Tiger people is gentle and hard working. Their early destiny is not good but it turns good in middle ages and may live a happy life since after.

 Born on 10th day of a month
They are very likely to be dignified persons. For them, it is easier to achieve success in career than others and live a happy family life.

 Born on 11th day of a month
They are born handsome or beautiful, elegant and honest. Their early and late life is especially good lacking no money.

 Born on 12th day of a month
If born a male, they are advised to leave hometown for better development; if born a female, their life may be busy but it turns smooth since middle ages.

 Born on 13th day of a month
Tiger people born on these days are clever, knowledgeable and especially good at arts, through which they can obtain both fame and wealth. However, if the birth hour is not good, the life may be plain.

 Born on 14th day of a month
Their early life is hard with obstacles and difficulties. But relying on hard works, they can develop a successful career and live a sweet life after.

 Born on 15th day of a month
They are smart, but too tough and stubborn, which leads to far relationship with families.

 Born on 16th day of a month
With Chinese zodiac Tiger, people born on these days can achieve both fame and wealth. However, they may have too many lovers and live a colorful but chaotic life.

 Born on 17th day of a month
Their life may be full of ups and downs as well as goodness and badness. Also, the families seldom offer a helping hand they may live a busy life for living.

 Born on 18th day of a month
Born skillful and brave, they are the kind of lucky persons. However, their career may not develop well before middle ages but in late ages. The destiny of females born on these days is better than males.

 Born on 19th day of a month
They are clever, flexible, trustworthy, and do things steadily step by step. The early half life may be plain but the late half life is likely to be surrounded by wealth and fame.

 Born on 20th day of a month
Tiger people born on these days are honest and like to help others. However, their life path is not steady with waves and small disasters. They need to work hard in early ages for a living.


 Born on 21st day of a month
Generally, their life path has more setbacks than others. As the families seldom offer a helping hand, they can only rely on themselves for a successful career, so they may live a busy life.

 Born on 22nd day of a month
With weak wills, they change their opinions, jobs, and even living places frequently. The early life is difficult, but the good luck comes in middle ages and the life turns good since then.

 Born on 23rd day of a month
Those born on these days in the year of the Tiger can be a wealthy and powerful person. They are generally smart and kind-hearted.

 Born on 24th day of a month
Their life is difficult at the first half stage but easy in the late half stage. As good luck comes in middle ages, they can achieve success, fame and wealth.

 Born on 25th day of a month
Their life is also difficult at early ages, especially when they are a teenage, but turns good since middle ages.

 Born on 26th day of a month
The early life is plain getting no help from families and friends. Fortunately, the late life is good based on their hard working and persistence.

 Born on 27th day of a month
With Chinese zodiac Tiger, people born on these days are lucky dogs. They can get help from dignified persons and achieve success in career. Their family life is also happy with perfect wife or husband.

 Born on 28th day of a month
Being tough but lacking of intelligence, they may have disputes with others every now and then. Remember this, otherwise they even cannot get well along with families and friends.

 Born on 29th day of a month
The tie with the family is not so tight, so they are advised to success somewhere away from the hometown. The good luck lies in the middle path of their life, and based on it and the hard working, they can achieve success.

 Born on 30th day of a month
According to prediction, they’d better depend on themselves rather than others for a successful career. Also, a late marriage is more suitable for them than an early marriage.


Further Reading on Chinese Zodiac Tiger:

 Personality of the Tiger

 Destiny by Birth Month

 Personality by Western Astrology Signs

 Personality by Blood Types

 Character and Fortune by Five Elements

- Last updated on Jun. 29, 2020 -
Questions & Answers on Tiger - Destiny by Birth Date
Asked by Kyle from USA | Jun. 23, 2020 22:17Reply
Lunar calendar correct date
Was born on May 15 1998. I've checked some other Gregorian to lunar calendars converters and they say my lunar date is April 20. However, on this site's calculator, it says April 19. Is is it 19 or 20?
Answers (1)
Answered by Joshua from DENMARK | Jun. 29, 2020 02:18

It is April 20.
Asked by Sam from PHILIPPINES | Mar. 28, 2018 10:16Reply
job-hopping, is this the right time and opportunity for me?
Tiger, born June 16, 1986. I'm currently working in a bank and has a job offer from another bank with a very nice compensation package and benefits. Proximity of work, benefits, salary package are all good and exciting however I am quite unsure to grab the offer since it's in line of Sales, I am afraid not to be able to reach the given sales target. Is this the right time to transfer and accept the offer?
Answers (1)
Answered by Lincoln from UKRAINE | Mar. 28, 2018 22:36

According to the zodiac perdiction in 2018, it will be a little bit hard for you to get a promotion in 2018. Thus you are advised to make some breakthroughs this year. Don't be afraid. Just accept the offer and change into a new work environment. You are a kind-hearted and responsible person. Thus you need to have more confidence about yourself. Good luck!
Asked by Zeny from PHILIPPINES | Jan. 22, 2018 19:41Reply
Best wedding date in 2018 for female rabbit born and male born in the year of the tiger
Lady was born on 21 October 1963 and the gentleman was born on 21 July 1962.
Are they compatible?
When is the best wedding date for them this 2018?
Thank you for your reply.
Answers (3)
Answered by Jacqueline from USA | Jan. 23, 2018 20:42

Well, Zeny, would you mind provide which month do they wanna get married? Each month has several auspicious dates. According to the Chinese zodiac prediction, they are born with a good couple. Don't worry.
Answered by ZENY from PHILIPPINES | Jan. 24, 2018 01:16

Prospecting to get married by June, Nov or Dec 2018.
Answered by Jacqueline | Jan. 24, 2018 19:22

Hereunder are the auspicious dates:
Jun. 01, Jun. 03, Jun. 05, Jun. 06, Jun. 08, Jun. 11, Jun. 14, Jun. 18, Jun. 20, Jun. 26, Jun. 29
Nov. 07, Nov. 08, Nov. 16, Nov. 20, Nov. 22, Nov. 26, Nov. 28
Dec. 02, Dec. 14, Dec. 15, Dec. 23, Dec. 27

Hope helpful!
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