1962 Chinese Zodiac - Water Tiger

Which type of Tiger are people born in 1962 Chinese Zodiac year?

According to Chinese zodiac, 1962 is the year of the Tiger, and it belongs to the Water year based on Chinese Five Elements. So the people born in 1962 is the Water Tiger.

Chinese in tradition follows lunar calendar. According to Gregorian calendar, people born from February 5, 1962 to January 24, 1963 are the Water Tiger, those who born from January 1 to February 4 in 1962 are the Metal Ox. 

Lucky Signs for 1962 Water Tiger

 Lucky Numbers: 2, 8

 Lucky Colors: green, gray, blue

2025 Horoscope for Water Tiger Born in 1962

The 2025 horoscope for people born in 1962 shows some ups and downs. Career luck may be rather average: the chance for promotions or salary raises can be low, but it would not be a challenging and busy year, either. Their overall finance luck would not be particularly favorable: the income would be relatively good, but there would be no windfalls; moreover, because of the not good financial luck, they need to be cautious in investments and avoid high-risk projects. As for relationships, they need to keep a good temper and try to communicate with and understand their mate timely to avoid verbal disputes. Health fortune would be good, and they just need to keep up a good lifestyle. 

 See more about Tiger Horoscope in 2025  


Personality Traits of the 1962 Chinese Zodiac Water Tiger

People with Chinese zodiac Tiger born in 1962 are calm, careful and full of ambition. They have strong learning ability and like new things. They are always full of passion for achieving their goals. They are so helpful to their friends; when they are in trouble, they will also get help from their friends.

But they are likely to be emotional. Because of their impulse characteristics, they often make irrational choices. And they think highly of their prestige. Even if they realize their mistakes, they are not likely to admit them.

 See more about Personality of the Tiger


Their career luck may be relatively good. In the workplace, they may come into contact with the young and learn a lot of new knowledge. Although they may be a little tired, they would feel rich in spirit. However, they still need to control their temper and give more opportunities to the young.

 See more about Tiger's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


They have the ability to make money, but they believe money is not the only thing in their lives, and have no habits of saving money. When they have money, they usually squander it with their friends. If they want to change the situation, it is very important for them to form the habit of saving money.

Love and Relationships

The love fortune for the Water Tiger is not very good. Male Water Tiger often feel annoyed by their wife's changing emotions. Be more patient and care more about their wife, their relationship will keep sweet. For female Water Tiger, they feel uneasy when their husband go out frequently. It is suggested that they should trust their husband and care more about their husband in daily life.

 See more about Tiger's Love Compatibility 


Although there is no serious health problem, their intestines and stomach are vulnerable. They must pay close attention to food hygiene and avoid overeating.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -