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Heihe to Harbin Train

Up to now, only 4 trains are available from Heihe Railway Station to Harbin/ Harbin East Railway Station. These Heihe to Harbin trains take the travel time of 10 to 12 hours to finish the distance of 636 / 639 kilometers (395/ 397 miles). The ticket price for a soft sleeper is CNY 244 or CNY 278 and for a hard sleeper is CNY 161 or CNY 161.

The trains also stop at railway stations including Sunwu, Beian, Zhaoguang and Suihua. Except these trains, one can also choose to take flight to travel between Heihe and Harbin.

Heihe to Harbin Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train K5126:
Harbin East
Details of the Train K5166:
1Heihe -19:28
2Sunwu 21:1021:22
3Beian 00:30-
4Suihua 04:0504:11
5Harbin 05:4805:48

How to Get to Heihe Railway Station

Passengers can take city bus 8 or Tourism Bus to get to the railway station.

Other Transportation Option: Heihe to Harbin Flight

From Heihe to Harbin, 3 flights scheduled from 10:15 to 17:30 are in service. 3 flights scheduled from 12:20 to 19:30 are available from Harbin to Heihe. The travel time is about 1 hour and the air fare is from CNY 450 to CNY 1,000.

Top Things to Do in Heihe

Charting a car or taking a long-distance bus is often chosen by visitor to get to the geological park. When you get there, you can climb the volcano, taste the natural Carbonate mineral water or take hot spring bath and watch the snow not far away.

Appreciate Rime

The rime scenery in Xunke County of Heihe is quite famous. You can go to see the rime in late November to March in the next year. If possible, you can rent a boat to appreciate the rime covered in the trees standing on the both sides of Kurbin River.

Get to Russia within 10 Minutes

Russia is opposite Heihe across a river. It is a great choice to make a side trip to Russia from Heihe. It just takes about 10 minutes and you will have a totally different experience. After your arrival in Russia, you can visit the Orthodox Church and dine at the local family of Blagoveshchensk.

Interact with Elunchun Minority

Elunchun People build their house in a traditional way. The house they built are in the shape of taper. Most importantly, they also keep their traditional life style: hunting, worshiping their gods, dancing Saman Dance. You can find a totally different life and know different custom here.

Harbin to Heihe Train

4 Harbin to Heihe trains are in service, taking 10 to 11.5 hours.

See detailed Harbin Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Harbin to:
- Last updated on Jul. 17, 2019 -