Hangzhou to Datong Train
For now, 2 Hangzhou to Datong trains are operated daily from Hangzhou Railway Station to Datong Railway Station.
The whole distance is 1,904 kilometers (1,183 miles) and the duration is 24 - 24.5 hours.
The ticket fare is CNY 397 - 407 for a hard sleeper, CNY 630 - 643 for a soft sleeper, and CNY 217 - 224 for a hard seat.
For more choices, passengers can transfer at Taiyuan South Railway Station or Beijing South Railway Station.
Z282: Hangzhou - Jiaxing - Shanghai South - Suzhou - Nanjing - Xuzhou - Beijing - Datong
K892: Hangzhou - Xucheng - Chaohu - Hefei - Heze - Liaocheng - Shijiazhuang North - Taiyuan - Shanyin - Huairen East
Besides, if you want to know more about China during your journey, changing the trains at Taiyuan South Railway Station is applicable.
How to get to Qinghe Railway Station from Beijing South Railway Station
Take subway line 4 from South Railway Station to Xizhimen, then transfer to subway line 2 and get off at Qinghe. It takes about 45 minutes and CNY 5.
How to Get to downtown from Datong South Railway Station
City bus line 14, 31, 61, 66, 68, and 605 are all availble in the railway station.
As an alternatives, there are 2 flights on a daily basis between them from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport to Datong Yungang Airport. Generally, the price is CNY 500 - 1,000. Taking about 4.5 hours for a single trip, it will be a good choice if you do not have so much travel time.
Two Datong to Hangzhou trains are running from Datong Railway Station to Hangzhou Railway Station. Passengers will have a 23 - 24.5 hours travel time for a single pass. A hard sleeper costs CNY 397 - 407.
See detailed Hangzhou Train Schedule & Datong Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Hangzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Datong to:
The whole distance is 1,904 kilometers (1,183 miles) and the duration is 24 - 24.5 hours.
The ticket fare is CNY 397 - 407 for a hard sleeper, CNY 630 - 643 for a soft sleeper, and CNY 217 - 224 for a hard seat.
For more choices, passengers can transfer at Taiyuan South Railway Station or Beijing South Railway Station.
Hangzhou to Datong Train Ticket Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K1276 Details of the Train K1276:
30H54M | 08:22 Hangzhou | 15:16+1 Datong | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G3754 Details of the Train G3754:
12H10M | 08:27 Hangzhou West | 20:37 Datong South | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z282 Details of the Train Z282:
22H33M | 17:40 Hangzhou | 16:13+1 Datong | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K892 Details of the Train K892:
24H22M | 20:30 Hangzhou | 20:52+1 Datong |
Running Route of Hangzhou to Datong Train

Transportation Alternatives from Hangzhou to Datong
Transfer in Taiyuan South for High Speed Train
Hangzhou East - Taiyuan South | Taiyuan South – Datong South | Overall Duration | Ticket Fare(CNY) Second Class Seat |
G1862: 07 : 14 – 15 : 50 | D5376 17 : 42 - 19 : 57 | 8H36M | 561.5 + 90= 651.5 |
Transfer in Beijing South for High Speed Train
Hangzhou East – Beijing South | Qinghe – Datong South | Overall Duration | Ticket Fare(CNY) Second Class Seat |
G34: 06 : 55 - 13 : 03 | G2515: 15 : 07 - 17 : 35 | 8H40M | 538.5 + 151 = 689.5 |
G20: 07 : 48 - 12 : 20 | G2513: 14 : 22 - 16 : 28 | 10H40M | |
G58: 08 : 50 - 14 : 43 | G2521: 18 : 24 - 20 : 43 | 11H53M | 538.5 + 139 = 677.5 |
G36: 09 : 05 - 14 : 53 | 11H38M | ||
G46: 09 : 50 - 15 : 43 | 10H53M | ||
G42: 09 : 24 - 16 : 08 | 11H19M | 626 + 139 = 765 | |
G420: 10 : 30 - 17 : 29 | G2523: 19 : 54 - 21 : 59 | 11H29M | 538.5 + 131 = 689.5 |
G38: 11 : 34 - 18 : 09 | 10H25M | ||
G168: 11 : 39 - 18 : 13 | 10H20M | ||
G32: 13 : 00 - 17 : 39 | 8H59M |

Take subway line 4 from South Railway Station to Xizhimen, then transfer to subway line 2 and get off at Qinghe. It takes about 45 minutes and CNY 5.

City bus line 14, 31, 61, 66, 68, and 605 are all availble in the railway station.
Hangzhou to Datong Flights
Datong to Hangzhou Train

- Last updated on Apr. 13, 2022 -