Pingyao Weather in March

March is the first month of spring in Pingyao with slightly cold weather. The humidity of this month is similar to February, which is 50%. The average temperature in March is higher than previous months, however it is more changeable compared to other months of the year. The wind is strong and there is possibility of light snowfall.

The trees and greenery have just revived after a long winter. Compared to Chinese New Year holiday, this month is not that crowded in Pingyao. There won’t be too many tourists, thus visitors can enjoy a better outdoor visiting experiences.

Averages for Pingyao Weather in March

Temperature: 5°C / 41°F
High Temperature: 12°C / 54°F
Low Temperature: -1°C / 30°F
Humidity: 50%
Rainfall: 10 mm
Rainy Days: --
Sunrise: 06:19 ~ 07:03
Sunset: 18:25 ~ 18:53
Air Quality in March
Average AQI:85
Pingyao Air Quality in March

What to Wear in Pingyao in March

In consideration of Pingyao climate in March, one wears warm clothing when hiking outdoors. During the night visitors need to put on windbreakers. The customary gears include long-sleeve T-shirt, hoodie/sweatshirt, windbreaker, and comfortable walking shoes.
Pingyao Clothes in March March Wear in Pingyao

Things to Do in Pingyao in March

Weather permitting, more outdoor activities are possible. Walking on the 2,700 years old Pingyao City Wall is a pleasure. Inside the city, the Ancient Ming-Qing Street is a sight coming straight out of the history picture books. You may go to the theatre of the time-capsule play “Impression Pingyao”. The play shows you Pingyao at the end of Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911). 
Impression PingyaoImpression Pingyao
Local CuisineLocal Cuisine

Other Tips

If you are sensitive to pollen, you need to bring anti-allergy medication during the traveling in March. You also need to bring some body lotion to resist dryness and heavy wind. During this changeable time of the year, basic cold medicines are essential for keeping diseases away. Drink more bottled water during outdoor activities as the weather is dry.

What is the temperature in Pingyao in March?

High/Low Temperatures of Pingyao in March
Temperatures Graph of Pingyao in March
Air Quality of Pingyao in March
Pingyao AQI Graph in March

Historical Pingyao Weather in March

Mar Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 9.4°C / 48.9°F -4°C / 24.8°F 07:03 / 18:25 29
2 9.5°C / 49.1°F -3.8°C / 25.1°F 07:01 / 18:26 20
3 9.7°C / 49.4°F -3.6°C / 25.5°F 07:00 / 18:27 20
4 10°C / 50°F -3.4°C / 25.8°F 06:59 / 18:28 18
5 10.2°C / 50.3°F -3.3°C / 26°F 06:57 / 18:29 28
6 10.4°C / 50.7°F -3.1°C / 26.4°F 06:56 / 18:30 23
7 10.6°C / 51°F -2.9°C / 26.7°F 06:54 / 18:31 25
8 10.8°C / 51.4°F -2.7°C / 27.1°F 06:53 / 18:32 19
9 11°C / 51.8°F -2.5°C / 27.5°F 06:51 / 18:33 14
10 11.3°C / 52.3°F -2.3°C / 27.8°F 06:50 / 18:34 16
11 11.5°C / 52.7°F -2.1°C / 28.2°F 06:48 / 18:34 38
12 11.7°C / 53°F -1.9°C / 28.5°F 06:47 / 18:35 15
13 12°C / 53.6°F -1.7°C / 28.9°F 06:46 / 18:36 20
14 12.2°C / 53.9°F -1.5°C / 29.3°F 06:44 / 18:37 18
15 12.5°C / 54.5°F -1.3°C / 29.6°F 06:43 / 18:38 29
16 12.7°C / 54.8°F -1.1°C / 30°F 06:41 / 18:39 41
17 13°C / 55.4°F -0.9°C / 30.3°F 06:40 / 18:40 32
18 13.3°C / 55.9°F -0.7°C / 30.7°F 06:38 / 18:41 29
19 13.5°C / 56.3°F -0.5°C / 31.1°F 06:37 / 18:42 40
20 13.8°C / 56.8°F -0.3°C / 31.4°F 06:35 / 18:43 46
21 14.1°C / 57.3°F -0.1°C / 31.8°F 06:34 / 18:44 40
22 14.4°C / 57.9°F 0.1°C / 32.1°F 06:32 / 18:45 63
23 14.6°C / 58.2°F 0.3°C / 32.5°F 06:31 / 18:45 59
24 14.9°C / 58.8°F 0.6°C / 33°F 06:29 / 18:46 40
25 15.2°C / 59.3°F 0.8°C / 33.4°F 06:28 / 18:47 36
26 15.5°C / 59.9°F 1°C / 33.8°F 06:26 / 18:48 25
27 15.8°C / 60.4°F 1.2°C / 34.1°F 06:25 / 18:49 19
28 16.1°C / 60.9°F 1.4°C / 34.5°F 06:23 / 18:50 44
29 16.4°C / 61.5°F 1.7°C / 35°F 06:22 / 18:51 24
30 16.6°C / 61.8°F 1.9°C / 35.4°F 06:20 / 18:52 30
31 16.9°C / 62.4°F 2.1°C / 35.7°F 06:19 / 18:53 31
- Last updated on Jun. 27, 2019 -
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