Pingyao Weather in February

Compared with January, Pingyao weather in February becomes warmer with an average temperature of -1°C (30°F). It is barely below 0°C (32°F) daytime. Little snow expected, thus the humidity stays at 50%.

Visiting Pingyao in this month is a jolly choice for the occurrence of at least one of the most popular festivals in China, namely the Chinese New Year or the Lantern Festival. Multiple folk activities are held like writing Spring Festival Couplets, making dumplings on New Year’s Eve, setting off firecrackers, family gatherings, fireworks show.

Averages for Pingyao Weather in February

Temperature: -1°C / 30°F
High Temperature: 6°C / 43°F
Low Temperature: -7°C / 19°F
Humidity: 50%
Rainfall: 3 mm
Rainy Days: --
Sunrise: 07:04 ~ 07:35
Sunset: 17:56 ~ 18:24
Air Quality in February
Average AQI:120
Pingyao Air Quality in February

What to Wear in Pingyao in February

Heavy clothing and accessories are needed for outdoors: including down jackets, hats, mouth-muffles, scarves, gloves, cotton boots and other stuffs.
Pingyao Clothes in February February Wear in Pingyao

Things to Do in Pingyao in February

Chinese New Year events include China Year Opening Ceremony, Shehuo (folk art performance), Spring Festival Traditions Experiences, Chinese Opera Performances, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, and Folk Videos Collection and Exhibition. The Lantern show in Pingyao is a delight. Visitors can watch the lanterns in the Ancient Government Office or on the Ancient City Wall. As a year round show, the time-capsule play “Impression Pingyao” is a recommendation too. 
Shehuo (Traditional Fetival Show)Shehuo (Traditional Festival Show)
Folk PerformanceFolk Performance

Other Tips

In order to guarantee a smooth trip in this month, hotel and transportation booking must be arranged in advance because this month witnesses the peak season of travel flow. Goggles and mouth-muffles are useful for keeping the dust away when attending outdoor activities. Always remember to drink more water, better of bottled water in this dry season. As this month is the end of winter, it is smart to bring some basic cold medicines because people may easily catch a cold due to the changeable climate in Pingyao in February.

What is the temperature in Pingyao in February?

High/Low Temperatures of Pingyao in February
Temperatures Graph of Pingyao in February
Air Quality of Pingyao in February
Pingyao AQI Graph in February

Historical Pingyao Weather in February

Feb Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 4.2°C / 39.5°F -9.8°C / 14.3°F 07:35 / 17:56 28
2 4.4°C / 39.9°F -9.6°C / 14.7°F 07:34 / 17:57 25
3 4.6°C / 40.2°F -9.4°C / 15°F 07:33 / 17:58 36
4 4.8°C / 40.6°F -9.2°C / 15.4°F 07:32 / 17:59 31
5 5°C / 41°F -9°C / 15.8°F 07:31 / 18:00 21
6 5.1°C / 41.1°F -8.8°C / 16.1°F 07:30 / 18:01 43
7 5.3°C / 41.5°F -8.6°C / 16.5°F 07:29 / 18:02 37
8 5.5°C / 41.9°F -8.4°C / 16.8°F 07:28 / 18:03 51
9 5.7°C / 42.2°F -8.2°C / 17.2°F 07:27 / 18:04 23
10 5.9°C / 42.6°F -7.7°C / 18.1°F 07:26 / 18:05 20
11 6.1°C / 42.9°F -7.5°C / 18.5°F 07:25 / 18:07 20
12 6.3°C / 43.3°F -7.3°C / 18.8°F 07:24 / 18:08 20
13 6.4°C / 43.5°F -7.1°C / 19.2°F 07:23 / 18:09 19
14 6.6°C / 43.8°F -6.9°C / 19.5°F 07:22 / 18:10 43
15 6.8°C / 44.2°F -6.6°C / 20.1°F 07:21 / 18:11 43
16 7°C / 44.6°F -6.4°C / 20.4°F 07:20 / 18:12 37
17 7.2°C / 44.9°F -6.2°C / 20.8°F 07:18 / 18:13 29
18 7.3°C / 45.1°F -6°C / 21.2°F 07:17 / 18:14 27
19 7.5°C / 45.5°F -5.8°C / 21.5°F 07:16 / 18:15 33
20 7.7°C / 45.8°F -5.6°C / 21.9°F 07:15 / 18:16 25
21 7.9°C / 46.2°F -5.4°C / 22.2°F 07:13 / 18:17 79
22 8.1°C / 46.5°F -5.2°C / 22.6°F 07:12 / 18:18 68
23 8.4°C / 47.1°F -5°C / 23°F 07:11 / 18:19 45
24 8.6°C / 47.4°F -4.8°C / 23.3°F 07:10 / 18:20 50
25 8.8°C / 47.8°F -4.6°C / 23.7°F 07:08 / 18:21 56
26 9°C / 48.2°F -4.4°C / 24°F 07:07 / 18:22 45
27 9.2°C / 48.5°F -4.2°C / 24.4°F 07:06 / 18:23 32
28 9.4°C / 48.9°F -4°C / 24.8°F 07:04 / 18:24 33
- Last updated on Sep. 23, 2019 -
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