Pingyao Weather in January

Annual weather outlook for Pingyao: January is the coldest month with average temperature of -4°C (25°F) and nighttime it always dips below zero. And the wind is strongest. Though it sometimes snows lightly, this month experiences a low humidity of 52%.

Despite a cold January, visitors may enjoy a good visit. Among the top rationale for visiting Pingyao then is that it is close to the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival), and many local festivities are held: namely All People Blessed activity in the Temple of the City God, Martial Art Show, and Archery Competition.

Averages for Pingyao Weather in January

Temperature: -4°C / 25°F
High Temperature: 2°C / 36°F
Low Temperature: -10°C / 14°F
Humidity: 52%
Rainfall: 2 mm
Rainy Days: --
Sunrise: 07:35 ~ 07:45
Sunset: 17:25 ~ 17:55
Air Quality in January
Average AQI:151
Pingyao Air Quality in January

What to Wear in Pingyao in January

Wind breaking overcoats or down jackets are a must to suit Pingyao climate in January. In addition, you need accessories such as hat, mouth-muffles, scarf, gloves, and cotton boots to keep warm.
Pingyao Clothes in January January Wear in Pingyao

Things to Do in Pingyao in January

The time-capsule play “Impression Pingyao” should not be skipped on visiting Pingyao. This show time travels from ancient Pingyao to the present. The most unique Ancient Government Office is better maintained than others in China. You come across Old-Style Chinese exchange shops and ancient security guard companies. Visitors may watch ancient wedding ceremony and exchange shop interviews or attend rustic Chinese operas.
Entertaining ShowsEntertaining Shows
Impression PingyaoImpression Pingyao

Other Tips

The water in Pingyao is not that ideal to drink so you had better buy bottled water and drink more water in this season. As coal is the main natural resource in Pingyao and with the heavy wind during this period, there might be dust. So it is wise to wear wind goggles when having outdoor activities. It is recommended that you book flights and trains tickets in advance to avoid the Spring Festival Travel Rush.

What is the temperature in Pingyao in January?

High/Low Temperatures of Pingyao in January
Temperatures Graph of Pingyao in January
Air Quality of Pingyao in January
Pingyao AQI Graph in January

Historical Pingyao Weather in January

Jan Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 2.4°C / 36.3°F -10°C / 14°F 07:45 / 17:25 38
2 2.3°C / 36.1°F -10.1°C / 13.8°F 07:46 / 17:26 39
3 2.2°C / 35.9°F -10.3°C / 13.4°F 07:46 / 17:27 42
4 2.2°C / 35.9°F -10.5°C / 13.1°F 07:46 / 17:27 42
5 2.1°C / 35.7°F -10.6°C / 12.9°F 07:46 / 17:28 64
6 2.1°C / 35.7°F -10.7°C / 12.7°F 07:46 / 17:29 70
7 2.1°C /35.7°F -10.7°C / 12.7°F 07:46 / 17:30 53
8 2°C / 35.6°F -10.8°C / 12.5°F 07:46 / 17:31 34
9 2°C / 35.6°F -10.9°C / 12.3°F 07:46 / 17:32 41
10 2°C / 35.6°F -10.9°C / 12.3°F 07:46 / 17:33 33
11 2°C / 35.6°F -11°C / 12.2°F 07:45 / 17:34 35
12 2°C / 35.6°F -11°C / 12.2°F 07:45 / 17:35 29
13 2°C / 35.6°F -11.1°C / 12°F 07:45 / 17:36 21
14 2.1°C / 35.7°F -11.1°C / 12°F 07:45 / 17:37 23
15 2.1°C / 35.7°F -11.1°C / 12°F 07:44 / 17:38 34
16 2.2°C / 35.9°F -11.1°C / 12°F 07:44 / 17:39 32
17 2.2°C / 35.9°F -11.2°C / 11.8°F 07:44 / 17:40 21
18 2.3°C / 36.1°F -11.1°C / 12°F 07:43 / 17:41 33
19 2.4°C / 36.3°F -11.1°C / 12°F 07:43 / 17:42 22
20 2.5°C / 36.5°F -11.1°C / 12°F 07:42 / 17:43 10
21 2.6°C / 36.6°F -11°C / 12.2°F 07:42 / 17:44 17
22 2.7°C / 36.8°F -11°C / 12.2°F 07:41 / 17:45 18
23 2.8°C / 37°F -10.9°C / 12.3°F 07:41 / 17:46 18
24 2.9°C / 37.2°F -10.8°C / 12.5°F 07:40 / 17:47 22
25 3.1°C / 37.5°F -10.7°C / 12.7°F 07:40 / 17:48 43
26 3.2°C / 37.7°F -10.6°C / 12.9°F 07:39 / 17:49 27
27 3.4°C / 38.1°F -10.5°C / 13.1°F 07:38 / 17:50 28
28 3.5°C / 38.3°F -10.4°C / 13.2°F 07:38 / 17:52 40
29 3.7°C / 38.6°F -10.2°C / 13.6°F 07:37 / 17:53 11
30 3.9°C / 39°F -10.1°C / 13.8°F 07:36 / 17:54 19
31 4°C / 39.2°F -9.9°C / 14.1°F 07:35 / 17:55 26
- Last updated on Jun. 27, 2019 -
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