Pingyao Weather in December

In December, Pingyao's weather is quite chilly with an average high temperature of 3°C (37°F) and an average low temperature of -8°C (18°F). The temperature variation between daytime and nighttime is evident. The air is dry with an average humidity of 55%. Sometimes it snows a little, making the air moister.

This month is not a peak time for traveling because of the cold climate in Pingyao in December. The good thing is that you can enjoy a quiet ancient city view. In addition, all the indoor sites are equipped with heating devices, so the coldness won’t bother visitors that much.

Averages for Pingyao Weather in December

Temperature: -3°C / 27°F
High Temperature: 3°C / 37°F
Low Temperature: -8°C / 18°F
Humidity: 55%
Rainfall: 2 mm
Rainy Days:--
Sunrise: 07:26 ~ 07:45
Sunset: 17:14 ~ 17:24
Air Quality in December
Average AQI:147
Pingyao Air Quality in December

What to Wear in Pingyao in December

You need warm clothes such as down jackets and cashmere sweaters. Also you need warm accessories like mouth-masks, mufflers, gloves, stockings and comfortable shoes.
Pingyao Clothes in December December Wear in Pingyao

Where to Go in Pingyao in December

In this month, you may explore inside the Ancient City of Pingyao. For example, the Ancient Government Office, old-style Chinese banks like Rishengchang and Xietongqing, ancient security guard companies and so on. You may walk along the Ancient City Wall to view the whole city. Outside of the city, Shuanglin Temple and Zhenguo Temple are your pick if you are interested in Buddhism. Otherwise, you can tour in Qiao Family Compound or Wang Family Compound to sample the typical traditional northern folk residences. 

Other Tips

It is important to use lotion to keep your skin moisturized during the windy and dry weather. Drinking enough bottled water and eating juicy fruit and vegetables are recommended. Make sure to bring some cold medicine. During windy days, it is better to wear a mouth-muffle and a pair of goggles to keep you away from the dust in the air. Check out the weather forecast and prepare warm clothes accordingly especially when there will be snowy days.

What is the temperature in Pingyao in December?

High/Low Temperatures of Pingyao in December
Temperatures Graph of Pingyao in December
Air Quality of Pingyao in December
Pingyao AQI Graph in December

Historical Pingyao Weather in December

Dec Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 5.6°C / 42°F -6.1°C / 21°F 07:26 / 17:14 17
2 5.4°C / 41.7°F -6.3°C / 20.6°F 07:27 / 17:14 24
3 5.2°C / 41.3°F -6.4°C / 20.4°F 07:28 / 17:14 20
4 5.1°C / 41.1°F -6.6°C / 20.1°F 07:29 / 17:14 20
5 4.9°C / 40.8°F -6.7°C / 19.9°F 07:30 / 17:14 19
6 4.7°C / 40.4°F -6.9°C / 19.5°F 07:31 / 17:14 15
7 4.6°C / 40.2°F -7°C / 19.4°F 07:32 / 17:14 22
8 4.5°C / 40.1°F -7.2°C / 19°F 07:33 / 17:14 18
9 4.3°C / 39.7°F -7.3°C / 18.8°F 07:33 / 17:14 16
10 4.2°C / 39.5°F -7.5°C / 18.5°F 07:34 / 17:14 29
11 4.1°C / 39.3°F -7.6°C / 18.3°F 07:35 / 17:14 22
12 4°C / 39.2°F -7.7°C / 18.1°F 07:36 / 17:14 29
13 3.9°C / 39°F -7.8°C / 17.9°F 07:37 / 17:15 43
14 3.8°C / 38.8°F -8°C / 17.6°F 07:37 / 17:15 62
15 3.7°C / 38.6°F -8.1°C / 17.4°F 07:38 / 17:15 47
16 3.6°C / 38.4°F -8.2°C / 17.2°F 07:39 / 17:15 21
17 3.5°C / 38.3°F -8.3°C / 17°F 07:39 / 17:16 20
18 3.5°C / 38.3°F -8.4°C / 16.8°F 07:40 / 17:16 19
19 3.4°C / 38.1°F -8.5°C / 16.7°F 07:40 / 17:17 23
20 3.3°C / 37.9°F -8.7°C / 16.3°F 07:41 / 17:17 26
21 3.2°C / 37.7°F -8.8°C / 16.1°F 07:42 / 17:18 19
22 3.1°C / 37.5°F -8.9°C / 15.9°F 07:42 / 17:18 19
23 3°C / 37.4°F -9°C / 15.8°F 07:42 / 17:19 23
24 3°C / 37.4°F -9.1°C / 15.6°F 07:43 / 17:19 26
25 2.9°C / 37.2°F -9.2°C / 15.4°F 07:43 / 17:20 19
26 2.8°C / 37°F -9.3°C / 15.2°F 07:44 / 17:20 21
27 2.7°C / 36.8°F -9.5°C / 14.8°F 07:44 / 17:21 21
28 2.6°C / 36.6°F -9.6°C / 14.7°F 07:44 / 17:22 24
29 2.6°C / 36.6°F -9.7°C / 14.5°F 07:45 / 17:22 27
30 2.5°C / 36.5°F -9.8°C / 14.3°F 07:45 / 17:23 26
31 2.4°C / 36.3°F -9.9°C / 14.1°F 07:45 / 17:24 24
- Last updated on Sep. 23, 2019 -
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