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Kunming - Luoyang Train

A pair of high speed trains are currently available between Kunming and Luoyang with a duration of 12.5 - 13 hours. One pair of normal speed trains are also running between Kunming Railway Station and Luoyang Railway Station, which is a little far away from downtown area. It takes about 28.5 - 30 hours for this trip. As it’s a long journey by normal speed train, passengers are also advised to make a transfer in a third city by high speed trains to save time.


Kunming - Luoyang High Speed Trains

Basic Facts:

 Duration: about 12.5 - 13 hours
 Top Speed: 350 km/h (217 mph)
 Running Distance: 2,151 km (1,337 mi)
 Operated at: Kunming South Railway Station, Luoyang Longmen Railway Station
 Major stations along the way: Guiyang North, Leshan, Chengdu East, Xi'an North

Kunming to Luoyang High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G283207:00 - 19:3112h31m
See more Kunming Schedule

Luoyang to Kunming Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G283109:08 - 22:1213h4m
See more Luoyang Schedule

Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.


Ticket Fare of Kunming - Luoyang High Speed Train

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
First Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 1,489.5
USD 205
CNY 919
USD 126


Kunming - Luoyang Normal Speed Trains

Basic Facts:

 Duration: 28.5 - 30 hours
 Running Distance: 2,164 kilometers (1,345 miles)
 Stations along the way: Guangtong North, Yuanmou West, Panzhihua South, Miyi East, Dechang West, Xichang West, Yuexi, Ganluo South, Emei, Meishan, Chengdu West, Suining, Nanchong, Peng'an, Yingshan, Dazhou, Wanyuan, Ankang, Weinan, Sanmenxia

Kunming to Luoyang Train Schedule

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K81806:37 - 11:15+28h38m


Luoyang to Kunming Train Timetable

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K81718:43 - 00:43++30h00m
1. "++" indicates the third day.
2. The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Ticket Fare of Kunming - Luoyang train

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
Soft SleeperHard SleeperHard Seat
CNY 746
USD 102
CNY 486
USD 67
CNY 264
USD 36

How to get to Guanlin Temple from Luoyang Railway Station

Passengers can go to Guanlin Temple by subway line 2 or bus no. 55 and 81 directly from Luoyang Railway Station.

A Quicker High Speed Train Transfer

To transit at Zhengzhou

Route  Duration   Ticket Fare 
Kunming South - Zhengzhou East
8.5 - 11.5 hours CNY 890.5 - 892.5 for second class seat
Zhengzhou East - Luoyang Longmen
0.5 - 1 hour  CNY 46.5 - 65.5 for second class seat
Total  9 - 12.5 hours  CNY 937 - 958 for second class seat

1. For the Zhengzhou - Luoyang leg, most of trains use Zhengzhou East Railway Station while some use Zhengzhou Railway Station or Zhengzhou West Railway Station. Passengers are advised to select Zhengzhou East Railway Station so that they can catch the connecting train at the same railway station and 30min - 1 hour is enough.
2. From Zhengzhou East to Kunming South, there is an overnight bullet sleeper train D939 departing at 23:39 and arriving at 10:47 in the next morning. It's a more preferable choice than others because passengers can spend a night onboard. In this way, one daytime and a night’s hotel expense are saved. Notice that the overnight train is only available from Friday to Monday.
3. From Longmen Railway Station, passengers can directly take bus 71 to go to Longmen Grottoes, the most famous tourist destination in the city.

To transit at Chengdu

Route  Duration   Ticket Fare 
Kunming South - Chengdu  East
6 - 8 hours  CNY 264 - 517.5 for second class seat
Chengdu East - Luoyang Longmen
4.5 - 6 hours  CNY 437.5 for second class seat
Total  10.5 - 14 hours  CNY 701.5 - 955 for second class seat

Kunming - Luoyang Flight

Passengers can take a connecting flight between Kunming and Luoyang with a transfer at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport with a duration of about 6.5 hours as no direct flight operates. There are some discounted tickets in low season, which cost less than CNY 1,300. In this case, it’s ideal to travel by flight. However, if the timetable does not fit you, the best choice is to take a Kunming - Zhengzhou direct flight plus a high speed ride between Luoyang and Zhengzhou. There are more flights between Zhengzhou and Kunming and you can expect greater discounts.

 Major Rail Lines from Kunming to:
Major Rail Lines from Luoyang to:
- Last updated on Jan. 14, 2025 by Sule Su -