Shenzhen - Luoyang Train
From Shenzhen to Luoyang, there are totally 8 trains running every day, including 4 high speed trains and 4 normal speed ones. For traveling from Luoyang to Shenzhen, 5 high speed trains and 3 normal ones are available. All bullet trains use Shenzhen North Railway Station and Luoyang Longmen Railway Station. A second class seat is priced at CNY 770 - 838 and a single trip takes about 8.5 - 9 hours. Normal overnight trains between Shenzhen/ Shenzhen East Railway Station and Luoyang Railway Station need 24 to 28.5 hours for a one way trip. A hard sleeper costs CNY 377 - 407 depending on different operating stations.
Duration: about 8.5 - 9 hours
Running Distance: 1,841 - 1,850 kilometers (1,144 - 1,149 miles)
Top Speed: 250 km/h (155 mph)
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
See more Shenzhen schedule
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
See more Luoyang Schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Stations along the way for G834 / G832: Humen, Guangzhou South, Guangzhou North, Shaoguan, Chenzhou West, Hengyang East, Zhuzhou West, Changsha South, Wuhan, Xiaogan North, Xinyang East, Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou West
Stations along the way for G822 / G824: Humen, Guangzhou South, Chenzhou West, Qingyuan, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Yueyang East, Wuhan, Xinyang East, Luohe West, Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou West
Stations along the way for G826 / G828: Humen, Guangzhou South, Shaoguan, Leiyang West, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Miluo East, Xianning North, Wuhan, Xinyang East, Zhumadian West, Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou West
Stations along the way for G830 / G832: Humen, Guangzhou South, Shaoguan, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Yueyang East, Chibi North, Wuhan, Xinyang East, Zhumadian West, Luohe West, Xuchang East, Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou West
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
1. The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
2. "+" indicates the second day.
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Stations along the way: Guangzhou, Shaoguan East, Chenzhou, Hengyang, Zhuzhou, Changsha, Yueyang, Xianning, Wuchang, Zhengzhou
There is only 1 direct flight between Shenzhen and Luoyang every day. The departure time is around 21:20 and a trip takes around 2.5 hours. The price with 20% off is about CNY 1,210 (USD 195).
Generally, the day-time high speed train is a good choice for leisure travelers. For business travelers wanting to save more time, flight is a better choice. However, please take a notice for the flight operating date.
Major Rail Lines from Luoyang to:
Shenzhen - Luoyang High Speed Trains
Basic Facts

Shenzhen to Luoyang High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G834 | 06:08 - 14:38 | 8h30m |
G822 | 09:20 - 17:46 | 8h26m |
G826 | 09:40 - 18:26 | 8h46m |
G830 | 12:42 - 21:16 | 8h34m |
Luoyang to Shenzhen Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1188 | 07:18 - 15:59 | 8h41m |
G824 | 11:46 - 20:21 | 8h35m |
G828 | 12:33 - 20:47 | 8h14m |
G844 | 13:01 - 21:15 | 8h14m |
G832 | 14:21 - 23:20 | 8h59m |
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
Shenzhen - Luoyang High Speed Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 2,399 - 2,600 USD 331 - 359 | CNY 1,213 - 1,320 USD 168 - 182 | CNY 770 - 838 USD 106 - 116 |
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Shenzhen - Luoyang Railway Map |
Stations along the way for G834 / G832: Humen, Guangzhou South, Guangzhou North, Shaoguan, Chenzhou West, Hengyang East, Zhuzhou West, Changsha South, Wuhan, Xiaogan North, Xinyang East, Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou West
Stations along the way for G822 / G824: Humen, Guangzhou South, Chenzhou West, Qingyuan, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Yueyang East, Wuhan, Xinyang East, Luohe West, Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou West
Stations along the way for G826 / G828: Humen, Guangzhou South, Shaoguan, Leiyang West, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Miluo East, Xianning North, Wuhan, Xinyang East, Zhumadian West, Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou West
Stations along the way for G830 / G832: Humen, Guangzhou South, Shaoguan, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Yueyang East, Chibi North, Wuhan, Xinyang East, Zhumadian West, Luohe West, Xuchang East, Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou West
Shenzhen - Luoyang Normal Trains
Shenzhen to Luoyang Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1348 | 08:00 - 07:39+ | 23h39m |
K134 | 10:29 - 15:10+ | 28h41m |
K536 | 13:58 - 15:52+ | 25h54m |
K238 | 15:40 - 16:41+ | 25h1m |
Luoyang to Shenzhen Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K240 | 11:36 - 11:32+ | 23h56m |
K538 | 16:51 - 16:48+ | 23h57m |
K1350 | 20:20 - 20:05+ | 23h45m |
1. The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
2. "+" indicates the second day.
Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 625 - 677 USD 86 - 94 | CNY 377 - 407 USD 52 - 56 | CNY 206 - 224 USD 28 - 31 |

Shenzhen – Luoyang Train vs Flight
Generally, the day-time high speed train is a good choice for leisure travelers. For business travelers wanting to save more time, flight is a better choice. However, please take a notice for the flight operating date.

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- Last updated on Dec. 11, 2024 by Grace Yang -