Guangzhou - Huaihua Train
At present, there are over 18 pairs of high speed trains operated between Guangzhou and Huaihua daily. They have a running distance of 1,039 km (645 mi) and the duration to finish a single journey is about 4 - 5.5 hours. A second class seat ticket costs CNY 288 - 499.5. Besides, over 4 pairs of normal speed trains, including several pairs of overnight sleeper trains also run between these two cities. The duration is about 8.5 - 14.5 hours.
Open Date: December 16, 2014
Duration: about 4 - 5.5 hours
Distance: 1,039 km (645 mi)
Top speed: 350 km/h (217 mph)
Operated at: Guangzhou/ Guangzhou South Railway Station, Huaihua South Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Shaoguan, Chenzhou West, Hengyang East, Zhuzhou West, Changsha South, Xiangtan North, Shaoshan South, Loudi South, Shaoyang North, Xinhua South
(Last Update on Dec 6, 2024)
About 18 departures in total: departure time from 07:27 to 19:15; duration from 3H54M to 5H16M.
See more Guangzhou Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 6, 2024)
About 18 departures in total: departure time from 07:24 to 19:39; duration from 3H50M to 5H16M.
See more Huaihhua Schedule
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
(Last Update on Dec 6, 2024)
Operated at: Guangzhou Baiyun/ Guangzhou North Railway Station, Huaihua/ Huaihua South Railway Station
Duration: about 8.5 - 14.5 hours
Distance: 1,095 - 1,331 km (680 - 827 mi)
Top speed: 120 km/h (75 mph)
Major stations along the way: Yuantan, Shaoguan East, Chenzhou, Hengyang, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Loudi, Xinhua (Last Update on Dec 6, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 6, 2024)
1. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
2. "+" indicates the second day.
(Last Update on Dec 6, 2024)
Major Rail Lines from Guangzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Huaihua to:
Guangzhou - Huaihua High Speed Train
Basic Facts:
Duration: about 4 - 5.5 hours
Distance: 1,039 km (645 mi)
Top speed: 350 km/h (217 mph)
Operated at: Guangzhou/ Guangzhou South Railway Station, Huaihua South Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Shaoguan, Chenzhou West, Hengyang East, Zhuzhou West, Changsha South, Xiangtan North, Shaoshan South, Loudi South, Shaoyang North, Xinhua South
Guangzhou to Huaihua High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G6174 | 07:50 - 12:13 | 4h23m |
G6359 | 10:14 - 15:24 | 5h10m |
G6122 | 12:36 - 17:26 | 4h50m |
G6152 | 15:55 - 20:52 | 4h57m |
G6134 | 19:15 - 23:31 | 4h16m |
See more Guangzhou Schedule
Huaihua to Guangzhou Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G6165 | 07:35 - 12:08 | 4h33m |
G6070 | 10:12 - 15:05 | 4h53m |
G6092 | 13:29 - 17:20 | 3h51m |
G6079 | 16:42 - 20:49 | 4h7m |
G6144 | 19:39 - 23:29 | 3h50m |
See more Huaihhua Schedule
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Guangzhou - Huaihua High Speed Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 1,083 - 1,573.5 USD 150 - 217 | CNY 459 - 812.5 USD 63 - 112 | CNY 288 - 499.5 USD 40 - 69 |
Normal Train of Guangzhou - Huaihua
Basic Facts:
Duration: about 8.5 - 14.5 hours
Distance: 1,095 - 1,331 km (680 - 827 mi)
Top speed: 120 km/h (75 mph)
Major stations along the way: Yuantan, Shaoguan East, Chenzhou, Hengyang, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Loudi, Xinhua
Guangzhou to Huaihua Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K202 | 12:42 - 02:33+ | 13h51m |
K1172 | 13:08 - 22:57 | 9h49m |
K356 | 13:21 - 03:52+ | 14h31m |
K9260 | 22:05 - 12:06+ | 14h1m |
Z586 | 22:43 - 07:36+ | 8h53m |
Huaihua to Guangzhou Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z585 | 08:12 - 16:48 | 8h36m |
K9262 | 14:35 - 05:16+ | 14h41m |
K358 | 18:39 - 08:13+ | 13h34m |
K204 | 21:59 - 11:44+ | 13h45m |
1. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
2. "+" indicates the second day.
Guangzhou - Huaihua Normal Train Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 355 - 455.5 USD 49 - 63 | CNY 196 - 255.5 USD 27 - 35 | CNY 105 - 138.5 USD 15 - 19 |
Transfer in Changsha for More High Speed Trains
Route | Schedule | Duration | Ticket Fare for a Second Class Seat |
Guangzhou - Changsha | About 130 pairs from around 06:00 - 23:24 | About 2 - 8 hours | CNY 124 - 381 |
Changsha - Huaihua | Over 76 pairs from around 06:10 - 22:33 | About 1.5 - 3 hours | CNY 152.5 - 158 |
Total | - | Around 3.5 - 11 hours | CNY 276.5 - 539 |

- Last updated on Dec. 06, 2024 by Grace Yang -