Guangzhou - Chaoshan Train
By far, there are over 100 pairs of high speed trains operated between Guangzhou and Chaoshan on a daily basis. Having a distance of about 408/ 651 km (253/ 404 mi) to run, they take a duration of about 1.5 - 4 hours to finish a single ride. The lowest price of a second class seat ticket is CNY 166. Currently there are no normal speed trains connecting these two cities.
Duration: about 1.5 - 4 hours
Distance: about 408/ 651km (253/ 404 mi)
Top speed: 250/ 300 km/h (155/ 186 mph)
Operated at: Guangzhou East / Guangzhou South Railway Station, Chaoshan Railway Station/ Raoping Railway Station
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
Around 100 departures in total: departure time from 06:45 to 21:13; duration from 1H39M to 3H52M.
See more Guangzhou Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
About 100 departures in total: departure time from 06:43 to 20:58; duration from 1H41M to 3H29M.
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
There are two running routes between Guangzhou and Chaoshan and these two routes share a same part of journey.
Most trains departing from Guangzhou East are D types. There are 12 stations along the line, namely, Dongguan, Changping, Zhangmutou, Shenzhen Pingshan, Huizhou South, Huidong, Houmen, Shanwei, Lufeng, Kuitan, Puning and Chaoyang
Nearly all the trains starting from Guangzhou South are G types. 13 stations lie on the way, namely, Qingsheng, Humen, Guangmingcheng, Shenzhen North, Shenzhen Pingshan, Huizhou South, Huidong, Houmen, Shanwei, Lufeng, Kuitan, Puning and Chaoyang
Chaoshan Railway Station is located at Shaxi Town, Chaozhou City. It also lies in the geographical center of Chaoshan District, a district consisting of three cities, namely, Chaozhou, Shantou and Jieyang. It has a distance of about 17 km (10.5 mi) from Chaozhou, 30 km (18 mi) to Jieyang, 31 km (19 mi) from Shantou and 10 km (6 mi) from Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport.The transportation between this station and those three cities is pretty convenient. For instance, there are bus nos. K1, and K2 shuttling between the station and Chaozhou, bus nos. 181 and 181B connecting it with Shantou and many coaches running between the station and Jieyang.
Major Rail Lines from Guangzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Chaoshan to:
Guangzhou - Chaoshan High Speed Train
Basic Facts:
Distance: about 408/ 651km (253/ 404 mi)
Top speed: 250/ 300 km/h (155/ 186 mph)
Operated at: Guangzhou East / Guangzhou South Railway Station, Chaoshan Railway Station/ Raoping Railway Station
Guangzhou to Chaoshan High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D7116 | 07:03 - 09:45 | 2h42m |
G1623 | 10:05 - 12:27 | 2h22m |
D7112 | 12:26 - 15:16 | 2h50m |
D7128 | 15:24 - 18:17 | 2h53m |
G6357 | 19:38 - 22:29 | 2h51m |
See more Guangzhou Schedule
Chaoshan to Guangzhou Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G6005 | 07:18 - 09:46 | 2h28m |
G8448 | 10:09 - 12:56 | 2h47m |
D7127 | 12:13 - 14:22 | 2h9m |
D3311 | 16:28 - 19:17 | 2h49m |
G6331 | 20:58 - 23:12 | 2h14m |
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Guangzhou - Chaoshan High Speed Train Ticket Fare (Full Price)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | |
G trains | CNY 553 - 835 USD 76 - 115 | CNY 270 - 392 USD 37 - 54 | CNY 168 - 253 USD 23 - 35 |
D trains | --- | CNY 266 - 353 USD 37 - 49 | CNY 166 - 237 USD 23 - 33 |
Guangzhou - Chaoshan Train Running Route:
Route one: Guangzhou East - Shenzhen Pingshan - Chaoshan
Route two: Guangzhou South - Shenzhen Pingshan - Chaoshan
Chaoshan Railway Station

- Last updated on Dec. 24, 2024 by Grace Yang -