Currently, only 2 pairs of high speed trains are in service between Hangzhou and Lanzhou, with duration of about 11 hours. The distance between is about 2,038 kilometers (1,266 miles).
There are 4 normal speed trains operating from
Hangzhou Railway Station to
Lanzhou Railway Station and 5 for the opposite direction. The duration is rather long. The slowest one almost needs 30.5 hours. For this long journey, taking a flight might be a better choice than taking a train.
Hangzhou - Lanzhou High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Duration: 11 hours

Running Distance: 2,038 kilometers (1,266 miles)

Top Speed: 250 km/h (155 mph)

Operated at: Hangzhou West/
Hangzhou East Railway Station,
Lanzhou West Railway Station.
Hangzhou to Lanzhou High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 20, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1874 | 06:26 - 17:29 | 11h3m |
G1978 | 10:46 - 21:54 | 11h8m |
See more
Hangzhou Schedule Lanzhou to Hangzhou Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Dec 20, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1980 | 08:05 - 19:14 | 11h9m |
G1876 | 12:11 - 23:26 | 11h15m |
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Lanzhou Schedule Note: The timetable and ticket price listed above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Hangzhou - Lanzhou High Speed Trains
(Last Update on Dec 20, 2024)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 2,821 - 2,872 USD 390 - 397 | CNY 1,446 - 1,462 USD 200 - 202 | CNY 911.5 - 930.5 USD 126 - 129 |
Hangzhou - Lanzhou Railway Map |
Stations along the way: Deqing, Huzhou, Yixing, Liyang, Lishui, Nanjing South, Bengbu South, Suzhou East in Anhui, Xuzhou East, Yongcheng North, Dangshan South, Shangqiu, Lankao South, Zhengzhou East, Luoyang Longmen, Sanmenxia South, Huashan North, Weinan North, Xi'an North, Yangling South, Baoji South, Tianshui South, Dingxi North
Note: As there are only 2 pairs of high speed rides between the two cities, the tickets sell good. Passengers are advised to book a ticket in advance so as to guarantee a smooth trip.
Normal Trains of Hangzhou – Lanzhou
Hangzhou to Lanzhou Train Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 20, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K308 | 02:27 - 07:57+ | 29h30m |
T112 | 10:17 - 11:59+ | 25h42m |
Z594 | 10:46 - 13:10+ | 26h24m |
K1040 | 16:00 - 18:50+ | 26h50m |
Lanzhou to Hangzhou Train Timetable
(Last Update on Dec 20, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K390 | 00:49 - 05:26+ | 28h37m |
T114 | 13:44 - 18:22+ | 28h38m |
Z596 | 15:50 - 20:19+ | 28h29m |
K306 | 20:50 - 03:16++ | 30h26m |
K1042 | 23:42 - 03:47++ | 28h5m |
1. "+" indicates the second day; "++" indicates the third day.
2. The above timetable is for reference only. The schedule searching by the search box on page top shall prevail.
Ticket Fare:
(Last Update on Dec 20, 2024)
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat | CNY 656 - 717.5 USD 91 - 99 | CNY 428 - 464.5 USD 59 - 64 | CNY 236 - 254.5 USD 33 - 35 |

Stations along the way:

K308/ K306, Z594/ Z596: Xuancheng, Wuhu,
Hefei, Lu'an, Gushi, Shangcheng, Huangchuan, Xixian, Luoshan, Xinyang, Tongbai, Nanyang, Neixiang, Xixia, Danfeng, Shangluo North,
Xi'an, Xianyang, Baoji, Tianshui, Gangu, Wushan, Longxi, Dingxi

T112/T114: Haining, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou,
Xuzhou, Kaifeng,
Luoyang, Xi'an, Baoji, Tianshui, Gangu, Wushan, Longxi, Dingxi

K1040/ K1042: Deqing West, Changxing South, Xuancheng,
Wuhu, Chaohu, Hefei, Gushi, Xinyang, Danfeng, Shangluo North, Weinan West, Xi'an, Xianyang, Caijiapo, Baoji, Tianshui, Gangu, Longxi, Dingxi
Hangzhou - Lanzhou Trains vs. Flights
Considering the trip duration and cost, flight has much advantage than train. Airlines often release lower discount one or two weeks before the departure date. For example, the price for the 60% off ticket is only CNY1,040 including the tax, only a little more expensive than a second class seat on the high speed train. The flights are available from early morning till the late afternoon. Both direct and stop-over flights are available. The stop-over flights requiring about 4.5 hours will sometimes have rather lower discount than the direct ones, which normally take about 3 hours.

Major Rail Lines from Hangzhou to:

Major Rail Lines from Lanzhou to:
- Last updated on Dec. 23, 2024 by Grace Yang -