Guilin - Yichun Train
There are 2 high speed trains travelling from Guilin to Yichun and 5 operated daily to serve passengers running from Yichun to Guilin. It takes around 4 - 4.5 hours to finish a total distance of around 685 kilometers (426 miles). The ticket fare for a second class seat is around CNY 276 - 284. In addition, around 2 normal trains are available from Guilin North Railway Station to Yichun Railway Station and 1 for return. The total distance is about 621 / 659 kilometers (386 / 410 miles), requiring around 7.5 - 10 hours for a one-way trip. The ticket fare for booking a hard sleeper is CNY 161.
Among all the normal trains, K1524 is a overnight sleeper train which departs in the evening and arrives in the next early morning. The overnight sleeper trains may be a wonderful choice for budget travelers since they can purchase a soft or hard sleeper ticket and have a rest on the train. In this way, they can save the money on hotels and have more daytime to travel.
Duration: Around 4 - 4.5 hours
Distance: Around 685 kilometers (426 miles)
Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Guilin North Railway Station, Yichun Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Quanzhou South of Guangxi, Dong’an East, Yongzhou, Qiyang, Qidong, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Liling East
(Last Update on Jan 6, 2025)
See more Guilin Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 6, 2025)
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
(Last Update on Jan 6, 2025)
Duration: Around 7.5 - 10 hours
Distance: Around 621 / 659 kilometers (386 / 410 miles)
Top speed: 120 km/h (75 mph)
Operated at: Guilin North Railway Station, Yichun Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Yongzhou, Qiyang, Qidong, Hengyang, Hengshan, Zhuzhou, Pingxiang
(Last Update on Jan 6, 2025)
(Last Update on Jan 6, 2025)
1. The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. “+” means the second day.
(Last Update on Jan 6, 2025)
Major Rail Lines from Guilin to:
Major Rail Lines from Yichun to:
Among all the normal trains, K1524 is a overnight sleeper train which departs in the evening and arrives in the next early morning. The overnight sleeper trains may be a wonderful choice for budget travelers since they can purchase a soft or hard sleeper ticket and have a rest on the train. In this way, they can save the money on hotels and have more daytime to travel.
Guilin - Yichun High Speed Train
Basic Facts:
Distance: Around 685 kilometers (426 miles)
Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Guilin North Railway Station, Yichun Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Quanzhou South of Guangxi, Dong’an East, Yongzhou, Qiyang, Qidong, Hengyang East, Changsha South, Liling East
Guilin to Yichun High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1502 | 11:52 - 15:52 | 4h00m |
G1504 | 12:36 - 16:48 | 4h12m |
Yichun to Guilin Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1505 | 13:12 - 17:24 | 4h12m |
G1503 | 13:43 - 17:49 | 4h6m |
G2343 | 14:15 - 18:36 | 4h21m |
G1501 | 14:34 - 18:44 | 4h10m |
G2339 | 15:58 - 20:12 | 4h14m |
Guilin - Yichun High Speed Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 856 - 881 USD 118 - 122 | CNY 449 - 458 USD 62 - 63 | CNY 276 - 284 USD 38 - 39 |
Guilin - Yichun Normal Train
Basic Facts:
Distance: Around 621 / 659 kilometers (386 / 410 miles)
Top speed: 120 km/h (75 mph)
Operated at: Guilin North Railway Station, Yichun Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Yongzhou, Qiyang, Qidong, Hengyang, Hengshan, Zhuzhou, Pingxiang
Guilin to Yichun Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1558 | 04:00 - 12:15 | 8h15m |
K1524 | 19:38 - 05:37+ | 9h59m |
Yichun to Guilin Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1191 | 13:41 - 21:16 | 7h35m |
1. The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. “+” means the second day.
Guilin - Yichun Train Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 244 USD 34 | CNY 161 USD 22 | CNY 86 USD 12 |

- Last updated on Jan. 06, 2025 by Grace Yang -