Changsha - Zhengzhou Train
A one-way ride between Changsha and Zhengzhou by high speed G train takes about 3 - 5 hours in total. At present, there are around 69 bullet trains running from Changsha to Zhengzhou and 49 back to Changsha every day, including over 3 pairs of overnight D trains, with the running distance of about 850 - 950 km (528 - 590 mi). A second class seat on G trains costs CNY 311 at least.
In addition, about 27 pairs of normal speed serve this line as well with the general duration of about 8 - 13 hours; a few pairs of them are overnight sleeper trains and the price of a hard sleeper ticket is CNY 214.
Open date: September 28th, 2012
Duration: about 3 - 8.5 hours
Distances: about 850 - 950 km (528 - 590 mi)
Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Changsha/ Changsha South Railway Station, Zhengzhou/ Zhengzhou East Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Yueyang East, Chibi North, Xianning North, Wuhan, Xinyang East, Luohe West, Xuchang East
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
Around 66 G trains in total: departure time from 07:13 to 19:54; duration from 2H48M to 4H50M.
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
See more Changsha Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
Around 45 G trains in total: departure time from 07:29 to 19:21; duration from 2H47M to 4H40M.
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
See more Zhengzhou Schedule
1. The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. Overnight D trains which depart at night and arrive in the next morning are recommended for travelers with limited budget, not only helping save one-night hotel fee but also offering more daytime for trip.
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
This high speed railway line is a part of Beijing - Guangzhou High Speed Railway with the operating speed of 300 km/h (186 mph). This line consists of 2 sections: Changsha - Wuhan section, which opened at the end of 2009, and Wuhan - Zhengzhou section, which came into service in 2012.
Duration: about 8 - 13 hours
Distance: 898 km (558 mi)
Top speed: 120/ 140/ 160 km/h (75/ 87/ 99 mph)
Operated at: Changsha Railway Station, Zhengzhou Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Yueyang, Chibi, Xianning, Wuchang, Xiaogan, Guangshui, Zhumadian, Luohe, Xuchang
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
Around 27 depatures in total: departure time from 00:42 to 23:36; duration from 8H10M to 13H9M.
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
Around 27 depatures in total: departure time from 00:19 to 22:34; duration from 8H2M to 12H23M.
1. "+" means the train arrives on the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
Major Rail Lines from Changsha to:
Major Rail Lines from Zhengzhou to:
In addition, about 27 pairs of normal speed serve this line as well with the general duration of about 8 - 13 hours; a few pairs of them are overnight sleeper trains and the price of a hard sleeper ticket is CNY 214.
Changsha - Zhengzhou High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Changsha to Zhengzhou High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G288 | 07:48 - 11:55 | 4h7m |
G542 | 10:10 - 13:41 | 3h31m |
G1186 | 12:08 - 15:55 | 3h47m |
G2690 | 15:54 - 19:43 | 3h49m |
G548 | 19:54 - 22:58 | 3h4m |
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D90 | 21:21 - 05:49+ | 8h28m |
D190 | 23:24 - 08:00+ | 8h36m |
D36 | 23:30 - 07:40+ | 8h10m |
Zhengzhou to Changsha Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G809 | 08:03 - 11:15 | 3h12m |
G795 | 10:15 - 13:14 | 2h59m |
G341 | 12:04 - 15:51 | 3h47m |
G287 | 15:37 - 19:49 | 4h12m |
G83 | 19:21 - 22:25 | 3h4m |
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D1 | 00:05 - 08:16 | 8h11m |
D35 | 15:12 - 23:18 | 8h6m |
D189 | 17:00 - 01:44+ | 8h44m |
D89 | 20:40 - 04:49+ | 8h9m |
1. The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. Overnight D trains which depart at night and arrive in the next morning are recommended for travelers with limited budget, not only helping save one-night hotel fee but also offering more daytime for trip.
Changsha - Zhengzhou High Speed G Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | VIP Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 1,244 - 1,694 USD 171 - 233 | CNY 709 USD 97 | CNY 497 - 889 USD 68 - 122 | CNY 311 - 555 USD 43 - 76 |
Changsha - Zhengzhou High Speed D Train Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Jan 16, 2025)
1st Class Sleeper | 2nd Class Sleeper | Second Class Seat |
CNY 387 - 405 USD 53 - 56 | CNY 275 - 277 USD 38 | CNY 151 - 153 USD 21 |
Running Route of the High Speed Trains between Changsha and Zhengzhou
Normal Speed Train of Changsha - Zhengzhou
Basic Facts:

Changsha to Zhengzhou Train Schedule:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z168 | 04:16 - 12:46 | 8h30m |
K458 | 11:23 - 22:28 | 11h5m |
Z138 | 16:12 - 01:15+ | 9h3m |
T146 | 17:16 - 02:47+ | 9h31m |
T370 | 22:06 - 07:27+ | 9h21m |
Zhengzhou to Changsha Train Timetable:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z137 | 04:36 - 13:08 | 8h32m |
T369 | 11:48 - 21:11 | 9h23m |
K1627 | 16:32 - 04:55+ | 12h23m |
K457 | 18:50 - 05:59+ | 11h9m |
T253 | 22:28 - 07:35+ | 9h7m |
1. "+" means the train arrives on the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
Changsha - Zhengzhou Normal Train Ticket Fare
Deluxe Soft Sleeper | Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 595 USD 82 | CNY 325 USD 45 | CNY 214 USD 29 | CNY 115 USD 16 |

- Last updated on Jan. 16, 2025 by Grace Yang -