Beijing - Zhengzhou Train
Currently, there are over 100 pairs of trains running between Beijing and Zhengzhou in regular days, including 80 or so pairs of high speed G trains which take only 2 to 4 hours for this 693 kilometers (431 miles) trip, and 24 pairs or so of normal types with duration of 6 to 12 hours. The normal rides run along different routes, thus the distance varies from 690 kilometers (429 miles) to 880 kilometers (547 miles).
Duration: about 2 - 4 hours
Distance: about 693 kilometers (431 miles)
Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Beijing/ Beijing West Railway Station/ Beijing Fengtai Railway Station, Zhengzhou/ Zhengzhou East Railway Station
Stations along the way: Zhuozhou East, Gaobeidian East, Baoding East, Dingzhou East, Zhengding Airport, Shijiazhuang, Gaoyi West, Xingtai East, Handan East, Anyang East, Hebi East, Xinxiang East
(Last Update on Dec 4, 2024)
Around 80 G trains in total: departure time from 06:15 to 19:55; duration from 2h11m to 3h58m.
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
Around 5 D trains run every day and additional 7 are available every Friday to next Monday.
See more Beijing Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 4, 2024)
Over 80 G trains in total: departure time from 06:14 to 20:59; duration from 2h11m to 3h59m.
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
See more Zhengzhou Schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
Duration: about 6 - 12 hours
Distance: about 690 - 880 kilometers (429 - 547 miles)
Top speed: 100/ 120/ 140/ 160 km/h (62/ 75/ 87/ 99 mph)
Operated at: Beijing Fengtai Railway Station/ Beijing West Railway Station, Zhengzhou Railway Station
(Last Update on Dec 4, 2024)
Around 24 departures in total: departure time from 05:19 to 22:30; duration from 5h56m to 10h38m.
(Last Update on Dec 4, 2024)
Around 24 departures in total: departure time from 00:46 to 23:16; duration from 6h5m to 12h3m.
1. The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
2. "+" indicates the second day.
(Last Update on Dec 2, 2024)
These rides follow almost the same route as High Speed types except K1305/1306. Passengers are suggested to avoid this pair of rides as they take longer time and cost more as well. Considering the running speed, it is advisable to choose the rides by the following order if the schedule fits: Z types, T types and finally K types.
K1305/1306 has stopovers at Hengshui, Liaocheng, Heze, Shangqiu, Minquan, Kaifeng.
In addition, there are 2 pairs of flights a day between with duration around 1.5 hours. However, since the airports are far from the city center, it does not differ much if you take the transfer time into consideration. The flight ticket price is usually higher compared with rail service, thus trains, especially the high speed ones are more recommended due to their frequency and reasonable ticket price.
See also: How to Travel between Beijing and Zhengzhou
Major Rail Lines from Beijing to:
High Speed Trains
Basic Facts:

Beijing to Zhengzhou High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G485 | 06:50 - 10:41 | 3h51m |
G79 | 10:00 - 12:18 | 2h18m |
G893 | 12:00 - 14:19 | 2h19m |
G661 | 16:15 - 19:39 | 3h24m |
G555 | 19:16 - 22:35 | 3h19m |
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D35 | 09:17 - 15:06 | 5h49m |
D49 | 11:08 - 17:09 | 6h1m |
D95 | 17:53 - 23:53 | 6h00m |
D1 | 17:59 - 23:59 | 6h00m |
D3 | 18:05 - 00:05+ | 6h00m |
See more Beijing Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 4, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G96 | 07:05 - 09:36 | 2h31m |
G654 | 10:04 - 13:17 | 3h13m |
G88 | 12:07 - 14:26 | 2h19m |
G74 | 16:13 - 18:32 | 2h19m |
G92 | 20:18 - 22:37 | 2h19m |
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D2 | 02:10 - 08:16 | 6h6m |
D50 | 03:54 - 10:05 | 6h11m |
D4 | 04:00 - 10:11 | 6h11m |
D96 | 04:06 - 10:37 | 6h31m |
D36 | 07:46 - 13:44 | 5h58m |
See more Zhengzhou Schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
Beijing - Zhengzhou High Speed G Train Ticket Price
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 968 - 1,204 USD 134 - 166 | CNY 440 - 600 USD 61 - 83 | CNY 275 - 375 USD 38 - 52 |
Beijing - Zhengzhou High Speed D Train Ticket Price
(Last Update on Dec 5, 2024)
New Soft Sleeper | Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Second Class Seat |
CNY 330 - 380 USD 46 - 52 | CNY 270 - 330 USD 37 - 46 | CNY 216 - 217 USD 30 | CNY 120 - 214 USD 17 - 30 |
Normal Trains
Basic Facts:

Beijing to Zhengzhou Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K507 | 07:12 - 15:55 | 8h43m |
Z295 | 11:14 - 17:30 | 6h16m |
T167 | 14:06 - 21:19 | 7h13m |
K157 | 16:49 - 01:30+ | 8h41m |
K179 | 22:04 - 06:30+ | 8h26m |
Zhengzhou to Beijing Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
T10 | 04:20 - 11:25 | 7h5m |
Z296 | 09:49 - 15:55 | 6h6m |
K600 | 11:40 - 20:58 | 9h18m |
Z150 | 15:35 - 22:00 | 6h25m |
K402 | 23:16 - 08:56+ | 9h40m |
1. The above timetable is for reference only. Please use our tool on top of this page to search for the real-time schedule.
2. "+" indicates the second day.
Beijing - Zhengzhou Train Ticket Price
Deluxe Soft Sleeper | Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 478 USD 66 | CNY 263 USD 37 | CNY 174 USD 24 | CNY 93 USD 13 |
These rides follow almost the same route as High Speed types except K1305/1306. Passengers are suggested to avoid this pair of rides as they take longer time and cost more as well. Considering the running speed, it is advisable to choose the rides by the following order if the schedule fits: Z types, T types and finally K types.
K1305/1306 has stopovers at Hengshui, Liaocheng, Heze, Shangqiu, Minquan, Kaifeng.
Flights VS. High Speed Trains

- Last updated on Dec. 05, 2024 by Grace Yang -