Chengdu to Shenyang Train
At present, 1 Chengdu to Shenyang high speed train runs every day. The total travel distance of 2,556 kilometers (1,588 miles) take about 14.5 hours from Chengdu East Railway Station to Shenyang North Railway Station. A second class seat costs CNY 1,088 and a first class seat is CNY 1,751.5. The most comfortable business class seat costs CNY 3,375.
In addition, 2 Chengdu to Shenyang traditional type trains are in service, travelling between Chengdu Railway Station to Shenyang Railway Station/Shenyang North Railway Station. The traveling time for a single trip ranges from 40h to 42h. A hard seat costs CNY 300-310, a hard sleeper costs CNY 553-587, and a soft sleeper costs CNY 848-903.
Chengdu East to Xi’an North Railway Line: This line stretches 431 kilometers (268 miles). Constituting a part of Xi’an to Chengdu High Speed Railway Line, the train will take a stop at stations including Mianyang, Guangyuan and Hanzhong Railway Station.
Xi’an North to Zhengzhou East Railway Line: Belonging to a section of Xuzhou to Lanzhou High Speed Railway Line, the total distance of 750 kilometers (466 miles) covers Huashan North Railway Station, Luoyang Longmen Railway Station and Zhengzhou West Railway Station.
Zhengzhou East to Dingzhou East Railway Line: Being a part of Beijing to Guangzhou High Speed Railway Line, this line is as long as 1,441 kilometers (895 miles).
Dingzhou East to Shenyang North Railway Line: Among Beijing-Harbin High Speed Railway Line, passengers will pass by stations like Tianjin West, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao and Jinzhou South through 2,858 kilometers (1,776 miles).
Normally, passengers can also take Chengdu to Shenyang flights from Chengdu Shuangliu Airport to Taoxian International Airport. A direct flight takes about 3 hours, and stopover flights spend more time deciding on its airline. The price ranges from CNY 700-1200.
Every day, 1 Shenyang to Chengdu high speed train is for passengers to take. It takes 15 hours to complete the whole travel distance. The cost is CNY 1,088 for a second class seat, and CNY 1,751.5 for a first class seat. Besides, 2 Shenyang to Chengdu normal speed trains are also in service, taking 40-43 hours.
See detailed Chengdu Train Schedule & Shenyang Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Chengdu to:
Major Rail Lines from Shenyang to:
In addition, 2 Chengdu to Shenyang traditional type trains are in service, travelling between Chengdu Railway Station to Shenyang Railway Station/Shenyang North Railway Station. The traveling time for a single trip ranges from 40h to 42h. A hard seat costs CNY 300-310, a hard sleeper costs CNY 553-587, and a soft sleeper costs CNY 848-903.
Chengdu to Shenyang Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K546 Details of the Train K546:
43H34M | 07:05 Chengdu West | 02:39+2 Shenyang North | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G1282 Details of the Train G1282:
14H40M | 07:36 Chengdu East | 22:16 Shenyang North | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K386 Details of the Train K386:
41H4M | 12:58 Chengdu West | 06:02+2 Shenyang North |
Running Route from Chengdu to Shenyang

Chengdu to Shenyang Flights
Shenyang to Chengdu Train

- Last updated on Apr. 01, 2022 -